
prof. dr Ivana Stanković

Redovni profesor
Katedra za fitopatologiju
Termini ispita Januarski rok 18.01.2024. u 9 h 25.01.2024. u 9 h Februarski rok 01.02.2024 u 9 h 08.02.2024 u 9 h 15.02.2024 u 9 h
Naučna oblast Fitopatologija
Datum izbora 16. decembar 2020.


O-FM-20-VBZ - Viroze bilja u zaštićenom prostoru
O-FM-20-VIRO - Viroze bilja
O-FM-20-DBB - Dijagnoza biljnih bolesti
M-VO-20-VBF - Viroze, bakterioze i fitoplazmoze voćaka
M-FM-20-BK - Biljni karantin
M-FM-20-VUB - Viroze ukrasnih biljaka
M-FM-20-IBP - Identifikacija biljnih patogena
M-FM-20-MR1 - Master rad 1
D-FM-20-BIFV - Bioinformatika u istraživanjima fitopatogenih virusa
D-FM-20-MIBV - Metode istraživanja u biljnoj virologiji
D-FM-20-MKFV - Molekularna karakterizacija fitopatogenih virusa
D-FM-20-PGFV - Populaciona genetika fitopatogenih virusa
D-FM-20-FVV - Fitopatogeni virusi i viroidi
O-VV-14-VBF - Viroze, bakterioze i fitoplazmoze
O-FM-14-VBZ - Viroze bilja u zaštićenom prostoru
O-FM-14-VBP - Vektori biljnih patogena
O-FM-14-VIRO-13 - Viroze bilja
O-FM-14-DBB - Dijagnoza biljnih bolesti
M-FM-14-VUB - Viroze ukrasnih biljaka
M-FM-14-IBP - Identifikacija biljnih patogena
D-FM-14-BIFB - Bioinformatika u istraživanjima fitopatogenih virusa
D-FM-14-DDI2-13 - Doktorska disertacija 2. deo
D-FM-14-DDI3-13 - Doktorska disertacija 3. deo
D-FM-14-DDI4-13 - Doktorska disertacija 4. deo
D-FM-14-DDI6-13 - Doktorska disertacija 6. deo
D-FM-14-MIBV - Metode istraživanja u biljnoj virologiji
D-FM-14-MKFV - Molekularna karakterizacija fitopatogenih virusa
D-FM-14-PGFV - Populaciona genetika fitopatogenih virusa
D-FM-14-SIR1-13 - Studijski istraživački rad 1
D-FM-14-SIR2-13 - Studijski istraživački rad 2
D-FM-14-SIR3-13 - Studijski istraživački rad 3
D-FM-14-SIR4-13 - Studijski istraživački rad 4


Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Detection of Four New Tomato Viruses in Serbia using Post-Hoc High-Throughput Sequencing Analysis of Samples from a Large-Scale Field Survey

A. Vučurović, D. Kutnjak, N. Mehle, I. Stanković, A. Pecman, A. Bulajić, B. Krstić, M. Ravnikar, Detection of Four New Tomato Viruses in Serbia using Post-Hoc High-Throughput Sequencing Analysis of Samples from a Large-Scale Field Survey, PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 105, No. 9, pp. 2325 - 2332, 2021

Autori Ana Vučurović, Denis Kutnjak, Nataša Mehle, Ivana Stanković, Anja Pecman, Aleksandra Bulajić, Branka Krstić i Maja Ravnikar
Godina 2021
DOI 10.1094/PDIS-09-20-1915-RE
Volumen 105
Broj 9
Strana od 2325
Strana do 2332

First report of viola white distortion associated virus on pansy violets (Viola x wittrockiana) in Serbia

I. Stanković, K. Zečević, A. Vučurović, B. Petrović, G. Delibašić, B. Stojković, B. Krstić, First report of viola white distortion associated virus on pansy violets (Viola x wittrockiana) in Serbia, JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Vol. 103, pp. 679 - 680, 2021

Autori Ivana Stanković, Katarina Zečević, Ana Vučurović, Branka Petrović, Goran Delibašić, Biljana Stojković i Branka Krstić
Godina 2021
DOI 10.1007/s42161-021-00767-8
Volumen 103
Strana od 679
Strana do 680

Detection of four new tomato viruses in Serbia using post-hoc high-throughput sequencing analysis of samples from a large-scale field survey

A. Vučurović, D. Kutnjak, N. Mehle, I. Stanković, A. Pecman, A. Bulajić, B. Krstić, M. Ravnikar, Detection of four new tomato viruses in Serbia using post-hoc high-throughput sequencing analysis of samples from a large-scale field survey, PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 105, pp. 2323 - 2332, 2021

Autori Ana Vučurović, Denis Kutnjak, Nataša Mehle, Ivana Stanković, Anja Pecman, Aleksandra Bulajić, Branka Krstić i Maja Ravnikar
Godina 2021
Volumen 105
Strana od 2323
Strana do 2332

Resistance-breaking tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus isolates on resistant tomato in Serbia

B. Petrović, A. Vučurović, K. Zečević, G. Delibašić, B. Krstić, I. Stanković, Resistance-breaking tomato spotted wilt orthotospovirus isolates on resistant tomato in Serbia, JOURNAL OF PLANT DISEASES AND PROTECTION, Vol. 128, pp. 1327 - 1339, 2021

Autori Branka Petrović, Ana Vučurović, Katarina Zečević, Goran Delibašić, Branka Krstić i Ivana Stanković
Godina 2021
DOI 10.1007/s41348-021-00493-4
Volumen 128
Strana od 1327
Strana do 1339

Characterization of cucumber mosaic virus and its satellite RNAs associated with tomato lethal necrosis in Serbia

I. Stanković, A. Vučurović, K. Zečević, B. Petrović, D. Nikolić, G. Delibašić, Characterization of cucumber mosaic virus and its satellite RNAs associated with tomato lethal necrosis in Serbia, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Vol. 160, pp. 301 - 313, 2021

Autori Ivana Stanković, Ana Vučurović, Katarina Zečević, Branka Petrović, Dušan Nikolić i Goran Delibašić
Godina 2021
DOI 10.1007/s10658-021-02241-8
Volumen 160
Strana od 301
Strana do 313

First report of Turnip yellows virus on cabbage in Serbia

D. Milošević, M. Ignjatov, S. Vlajić, Z. Nikolić, J. Gvozdanović Varga, I. Stanković, B. Krstić, First report of Turnip yellows virus on cabbage in Serbia, PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 104, No. 3, pp. 997 - 997, 2020

Autori Dragana Milošević, Maja Ignjatov, Slobodan Vlajić, Zorica Nikolić, Jelica Gvozdanović Varga, Ivana Stanković i Branka Krstić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.1094/PDIS-08-19-1682-PDN
Volumen 104
Broj 3
Strana od 997
Strana do 997

Occurrence and molecular characterization of impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus in ornamentals in Serbia

I. Stanković, A. Vučurović, K. Zečević, B. Petrović, D. Ristić, I. Vučurović, B. Krstić, Occurrence and molecular characterization of impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus in ornamentals in Serbia, JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Vol. 102, pp. 787 - 797, 2020

Autori Ivana Stanković, Ana Vučurović, Katarina Zečević, Branka Petrović, Danijela Ristić, Ivan Vučurović i Branka Krstić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.1007/s42161-020-00504-7
Volumen 102
Strana od 787
Strana do 797

Short communication: Pepino mosaic virus, a new threat for Serbia’s tomatoes

I. Stanković, A. Vučurović, K. Zečević, B. Petrović, D. Ristić, I. Vučurović, B. Krstić, Short communication: Pepino mosaic virus, a new threat for Serbia’s tomatoes, SPANISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. e10SC05 - e10SC05, 2020

Autori Ivana Stanković, Ana Vučurović, Katarina Zečević, Branka Petrović, Danijela Ristić, Ivan Vučurović i Branka Krstić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.5424/sjar/2020184-16244
Volumen 18
Broj 4
Strana od e10SC05
Strana do e10SC05

Viruses affecting tomato crops in Serbia

D. Nikolić, A. Vučurović, I. Stanković, N. Radović, K. Zečević, A. Bulajić, B. Krstić, Viruses affecting tomato crops in Serbia, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Vol. 152, pp. 225 - 235, 2018

Autori Dušan Nikolić, Ana Vučurović, Ivana Stanković, Nikola Radović, Katarina Zečević, Aleksandra Bulajić i Branka Krstić
Godina 2018
Volumen 152
Strana od 225
Strana do 235

Characterization of Gnomoniopsis idaeicola, the Causal Agent of Canker and Wilting of Blackberry in Serbia

M. Stevanović, D. Ristić, S. Živković, G. Aleksić, I. Stanković, B. Krstić, A. Bulajić, Characterization of Gnomoniopsis idaeicola, the Causal Agent of Canker and Wilting of Blackberry in Serbia, PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 103, pp. 249 - 258, 2018

Autori Miloš Stevanović, Danijela Ristić, Svetlana Živković, Goran Aleksić, Ivana Stanković, Branka Krstić i Aleksandra Bulajić
Godina 2018
DOI doi: 10.1094/PDIS-03-18-0516-RE
Volumen 103
Strana od 249
Strana do 258

Viruses affecting tomato crops in Serbia

D. Nikolić, A. Vučurović, I. Stanković, N. Radović, K. Zečević, A. Bulajić, B. Krstić, Viruses affecting tomato crops in Serbia, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Vol. 152, pp. 225 - 235, 2018

Autori Dušan Nikolić, Ana Vučurović, Ivana Stanković, Nikola Radović, Katarina Zečević, Aleksandra Bulajić i Branka Krstić
Godina 2018
DOI 10.1007/s10658-018-1467-y
Volumen 152
Strana od 225
Strana do 235

Filamentous fungi isolated from grape marc as antagonists of Botrytis cinerea

J. Jovičić-Petrović, I. Stanković, A. Bulajić, B. Krstić, D. Kiković, V. Raičević, Filamentous fungi isolated from grape marc as antagonists of Botrytis cinerea, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 37 - 48, 2016

Autori Jelena Jovičić-Petrović, Ivana Stanković, Aleksandra Bulajić, Branka Krstić, Dragan Kiković i Vera Raičević
Godina 2016
DOI 10.2298/GENSR1601037J
Volumen 48
Broj 1
Strana od 37
Strana do 48

Monilinia Species Causing Brown Rot of Stone Fruits in Serbia

J. Hrustić, G. Delibašić, I. Stanković, M. Grahovac, B. Krstić, A. Bulajić, B. Tanović, Monilinia Species Causing Brown Rot of Stone Fruits in Serbia, PLANT DISEASE, Vol. 99, pp. 709 - 717, 2015

Autori Jovana Hrustić, Goran Delibašić, Ivana Stanković, Mila Grahovac, Branka Krstić, Aleksandra Bulajić i Brankica Tanović
Godina 2015
Volumen 99
Strana od 709
Strana do 717

Detection and molecular characterization of Pepper mild mottle virus in Serbia

D. Milošević, I. Stanković, A. Bulajić, M. Ignjatov, Z. Nikolić, G. Petrović, B. Krstić, Detection and molecular characterization of Pepper mild mottle virus in Serbia, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 47, pp. 651 - 663, 2015

Autori Dragana Milošević, Ivana Stanković, Aleksandra Bulajić, Maja Ignjatov, Zorica Nikolić, Gordana Petrović i Branka Krstić
Godina 2015
DOI 10.2298/GENSR1502651M
Volumen 47
Strana od 651
Strana do 663

Tomato spotted wilt virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission 78

A. Bulajić, I. Stanković, A. Vučurović, D. Ristić, K. Milojević, M. Ivanović, B. Krstić, Tomato spotted wilt virus - Potato Cultivar Susceptibility and Tuber Transmission 78, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POTATO RESEARCH, Vol. 91, pp. 186 - 194, 2013

Autori Aleksandra Bulajić, Ivana Stanković, Ana Vučurović, Danijela Ristić, Katarina Milojević, Mirko Ivanović i Branka Krstić
Godina 2013
Volumen 91
Strana od 186
Strana do 194

Non-persistently aphid-borne viruses infecting pumpkin and squash in Serbia and partial characterization of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus isolates

A. Vučurović, A. Bulajić, I. Stanković, D. Ristić, J. Berenji, J. Jović, B. Krstić, Non-persistently aphid-borne viruses infecting pumpkin and squash in Serbia and partial characterization of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus isolates, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Vol. 133, pp. 935 - 947, 2012

Autori Ana Vučurović, Aleksandra Bulajić, Ivana Stanković, Danijela Ristić, Janoš Berenji, Jelena Jović i Branka Krstić
Godina 2012
Volumen 133
Strana od 935
Strana do 947

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Virus smeđe naboranosti ploda paradajza – nova pretnja proizvodnji paradajza i paprike

I. Stanković, A. Vučurović, K. Zečević, G. Delibašić, B. Krstić, Virus smeđe naboranosti ploda paradajza – nova pretnja proizvodnji paradajza i paprike, Biljni lekar, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 133 - 147, 2021

Autori Ivana Stanković, Ana Vučurović, Katarina Zečević, Goran Delibašić i Branka Krstić
Godina 2021
Časopis Biljni lekar
Volumen 49
Broj 2
Strana od 133
Strana do 147

Occurrence and molecular characterization of alfalfa mosaic virus in eggplant in Serbia

D. Milošević, M. Ignjatov, Z. Nikolić, G. Tamindžić, G. Petrović, S. Vlajić, I. Stanković, Occurrence and molecular characterization of alfalfa mosaic virus in eggplant in Serbia, Acta Agriculturae Serbica , Vol. 26, No. 51, pp. 33 - 39, 2021

Autori Dragana Milošević, Maja Ignjatov, Zorica Nikolić, Gordana Tamindžić, Gordana Petrović, Slobodan Vlajić i Ivana Stanković
Godina 2021
DOI 10.5937/AASer2151033M
Časopis Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Volumen 26
Broj 51
Strana od 33
Strana do 39

Occurrence and molecular characterization of wheat streak mosaic virus in wheat in Serbia

A. Vučurović, I. Stanković, K. Zečević, B. Petrović, G. Delibašić, B. Krstić, Occurrence and molecular characterization of wheat streak mosaic virus in wheat in Serbia, Pesticides and Phytomedicine, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 117 - 131, 2020

Autori Ana Vučurović, Ivana Stanković, Katarina Zečević, Branka Petrović, Goran Delibašić i Branka Krstić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.2298/PIF2002117V
Časopis Pesticides and Phytomedicine
Volumen 35
Broj 2
Strana od 117
Strana do 131