проф. др Илинка Пећинар
441-3191 | |
Научна област | Пољопривредна ботаника |
Датум избора | 13. октобар 2020. |
Радови у часописима са SCI листе
Raman spectroscopic‐based chemometric modeling in assessment of red pepper ripening phases and carotenoids accumulation
S. Kolašinac, I. Pećinar, D. Danojević, S. Aćić, Z. Dajić - Stevanović, Raman spectroscopic‐based chemometric modeling in assessment of red pepper ripening phases and carotenoids accumulation, JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY, pp. 1598 - 1605, 2021
Аутори | Stefan Kolašinac, Илинка Пећинар, D Danojević, Светлана Аћић и Зора Дајић - Стевановић |
Година | 2021 |
DOI | dx.doi.org/10.1002/jrs.6197 |
Страна од | 1598 |
Страна до | 1605 |
Corrigendum to: Assessment of cellular and molecular changes in the rat brain after gamma radiation and radioprotection by anisomycin
D. Kočović, D. Bajuk-Bogdanović, I. Pećinar, B. Božić-Nedeljković, M. Daković, P. Anđus, Corrigendum to: Assessment of cellular and molecular changes in the rat brain after gamma radiation and radioprotection by anisomycin, JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH, pp. 793 - 803, 2021
Аутори | Dušica Kočović, D Bajuk-Bogdanović, Илинка Пећинар, B Božić-Nedeljković, M Daković и Pavle Anđus |
Година | 2021 |
DOI | doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rrab045 |
Страна од | 793 |
Страна до | 803 |
Effects of genotype and bradyrhizobium inoculation on morphological traits, grain yield and protein content of soybean varieties
V. Miladinović, S. Kolašinac, I. Pećinar, B. Kiprovski, D. Mutavdžić, V. Ugrenović, Z. Dajić - Stevanović, Effects of genotype and bradyrhizobium inoculation on morphological traits, grain yield and protein content of soybean varieties, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, pp. 911 - 925, 2021
Аутори | Vladimir Miladinović, Stefan Kolašinac, Илинка Пећинар, Biljana Kiprovski, Dragosav Mutavdžić, Vladan Ugrenović и Зора Дајић - Стевановић |
Година | 2021 |
Страна од | 911 |
Страна до | 925 |
Leaf glandular trichomes of micropropagated Inula britannica–Effect of sucrose on trichome density, distribution and chemical profile
J. Stanojković, S. Todorović, I. Pećinar, S. Lević, S. Ćalić, D. Janošević, Leaf glandular trichomes of micropropagated Inula britannica–Effect of sucrose on trichome density, distribution and chemical profile, INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, pp. 1 - 8, 2020
Аутори | Jelena Stanojković, Slađana Todorović, Илинка Пећинар, Стева Левић, S Ćalić и Dušica Janošević |
Година | 2020 |
DOI | doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.113101 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 8 |
Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization
B. Czekus, I. Pećinar, I. Petrović, N. Paunović, S. Savić, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikić, Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization, JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE, pp. 25 - 30, 2019
Аутори | Boriz Czekus, Илинка Пећинар, Ivana Petrović, N Paunović, Slađana Savić, Зорица Јовановић и Radmila Stikić |
Година | 2019 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2019.02.011 |
Страна од | 25 |
Страна до | 30 |
Micromorphological and anatomical characteristics of Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae)
A. Alimpić aradski, D. Janošević, I. Pećinar, S. Budimir, Z. Dajić - Stevanović, M. Matevski, P. Marin, S. Duletić-Laušević, Micromorphological and anatomical characteristics of Salvia amplexicaulis Lam., S. jurisicii Košanin and S. ringens Sibth. & Sm. (Lamiaceae), PLANT BIOSYSTEMS, pp. 92 - 108, Jun, 2019
Аутори | Ana Alimpić aradski, Dušica Janošević, Илинка Пећинар, S Budimir, Зора Дајић - Стевановић, V Matevski, Petar Marin и Sonja Duletić-Laušević |
Година | 2019 |
DOI | 10.1080/11263504.2020.1727976 |
Страна од | 92 |
Страна до | 108 |
Alginate/soy protein system for essential oil encapsulation with intestinal delivery
M. Volić, I. Pajić-Lijaković, V. Đorđrvić, Z. Knežević-Jugović, I. Pećinar, Z. Dajić - Stevanović, B. Bugarski, Alginate/soy protein system for essential oil encapsulation with intestinal delivery, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, pp. 15 - 24, 2018
Аутори | Mina Volić, Ivana Pajić-Lijaković, Verica Đorđrvić, Zorica Knežević-Jugović, Илинка Пећинар, Зора Дајић - Стевановић и Branko Bugarski |
Година | 2018 |
Страна од | 15 |
Страна до | 24 |
Trichome-specific and developmentally regulated biosynthesis of nepetalactones in leaves of cultivated Nepeta rtanjensis plants
N. Aničić, D. Matekalo, M. Skorić, I. Pećinar, M. Brkušanin, J. Nestorović Živković, S. Dmitrović, Z. Dajić Stevanović, H. Schulz, D. Mišić, Trichome-specific and developmentally regulated biosynthesis of nepetalactones in leaves of cultivated Nepeta rtanjensis plants, INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, pp. 1 - 10, Aug, 2018
Аутори | Neda Aničić, Dragana Matekalo, Marijana Skorić, Илинка Пећинар, Miloš Brkušanin, Jasmina Nestorović Živković, Slavica Dmitrović, Zora Dajić Stevanović, Hartwig Schulz и Danijela Mišić |
Година | 2018 |
DOI | 10.1016/J.INDCROP.2018.03.019 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Trichome-specific and developmentally regulated biosynthesis of nepetalactones in leaves of cultivated Nepeta rtanjensis plants
N. Aničić, D. Meketalo, M. Skorić, I. Pećinar, M. Brkušanin, J. Nestorović-Živković, S. Dmitrović, З. Дајић - Стевановић, H. Shultz, D. Mišić, Trichome-specific and developmentally regulated biosynthesis of nepetalactones in leaves of cultivated Nepeta rtanjensis plants, INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, pp. 347 - 358, 2018
Аутори | Neda Aničić, D Meketalo, M Skorić, Илинка Пећинар, M Brkušanin, J Nestorović-Živković, S Dmitrović, Зора Дајић - Стевановић, H Shultz и Danijela Mišić |
Година | 2018 |
Страна од | 347 |
Страна до | 358 |
Micromorphology and Histochemistry of Trichomes of Endemic Nepeta rtanjensis (Lamiaceae)
J. Bošnjak-Neumuller, D. Rančić, I. Pećinar, N. Đelić, Z. Dajić - Stevanović, Micromorphology and Histochemistry of Trichomes of Endemic Nepeta rtanjensis (Lamiaceae), PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, pp. 256 - 269, Jun, 2018
Аутори | Jasna Bošnjak-Neumuller, Драгана Ранчић, Илинка Пећинар, N Đelić и Зора Дајић - Стевановић |
Година | 2018 |
Страна од | 256 |
Страна до | 269 |
Water-soluble carbohydrates accumulation in peduncle of wheat and its relationship to morpho-anatomical and productive traits
A. Seslija, B. Vučelić-Radović, S. Stanojević, J. Savić, D. Rančić, I. Pećinar, V. Kandić, D. Dodig, Water-soluble carbohydrates accumulation in peduncle of wheat and its relationship to morpho-anatomical and productive traits, ZEMDIRBYSTE-AGRICULTURE, pp. 165 - 172, Aug, 2017
Аутори | Aleksandra Seslija, Biljana Vučelić-Radović, Sladjana Stanojević, Jasna Savić, Dragana Rančić, Илинка Пећинар, Vesna Kandić и Dejan Dodig |
Година | 2017 |
DOI | http://dx.doi.org/10.13080/z-a.2017.104.021 |
Страна од | 165 |
Страна до | 172 |
The influence of concentration and temperature on the viscoelastic properties of tomato pomace dispersions
M. Belović, I. Pajić-Lijaković, A. Torbica, J. Mastilović, I. Pećinar, The influence of concentration and temperature on the viscoelastic properties of tomato pomace dispersions, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, pp. 1 - 10, Aug, 2016
Аутори | Miona Belović, Ivana Pajić-Lijaković, Aleksandra Torbica, Jasna Mastilović и Илинка Пећинар |
Година | 2016 |
DOI | http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2016.06.021 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Радови у часописима ван SCI листе
Fatty acids in seed oil of wild and cultivated rosehip (Rosa canina L.) from different locations in Serbia
J. Popović Đorđević, B. Špirović Trifunović, I. Pećinar, L. Fernando Cappa de Oliveira, Đ. Krstić, D. Mihajlović, M. Akšić Fotirić, J. Simal-Gandara, Fatty acids in seed oil of wild and cultivated rosehip (Rosa canina L.) from different locations in Serbia, INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, pp. 1 - 10, Jan, 2023
Аутори | Jelena Popović Đorđević, Bojana Špirović Trifunović, Илинка Пећинар, Luiz Fernando Cappa de Oliveira, Đurđa Krstić, Dragana Mihajlović, Milica Akšić Fotirić и Jesus Simal-Gandara |
Година | 2023 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115797 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Elemental Profile, General Phytochemical Composition and Bioaccumulation Abilities of Selected Allium Species Biofortified with Selenium under Open Field Conditions
S. Vuković, Đ. Moravčević, J. Gvozdanović Varga, B. Dojčinović, А. Вујошевић, И. Пећинар, S. Kilibarda, А. Костић, Elemental Profile, General Phytochemical Composition and Bioaccumulation Abilities of Selected Allium Species Biofortified with Selenium under Open Field Conditions, Plants, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1 - 19, Jan, 2023
Аутори | Сандра Вуковић, Ђорђе Моравчевић, Јелица Гвоздановић Варга, Биљана Дојчиновић, Ана Вујошевић, Илинка Пећинар, Софија Килибарда и Александар Костић |
Година | 2023 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12020349 |
Часопис | Plants |
Волумен | 12 |
Број | 2 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 19 |
Insight in changes in starch and proteins molecular structure of non-wheat cereal flours influenced by roasting and extrusion treatments
A. Torbica, I. Pećinar, S. Lević, M. Belović, M. Jovi;i', Z. Dajić Stevanović, V. Nedović, Insight in changes in starch and proteins molecular structure of non-wheat cereal flours influenced by roasting and extrusion treatments, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, pp. 1 - 10, Jul, 2023
Аутори | Aleksandra Torbica, Илинка Пећинар, Steva Lević, Miona Belović, Mirjana Jovi;i', Zora Dajić Stevanović и Viktor Nedović |
Година | 2023 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2023.108591 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Elemental Profile, General Phytochemical Composition and Bioaccumulation Abilities of Selected Allium Species Biofortified with Selenium under Open Field Conditions
S. Vuković, Đ. Moravčević, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, B. Dojčinović, A. Vujošević, I. Pećinar, S. Kilibarda, A. Kostić, Elemental Profile, General Phytochemical Composition and Bioaccumulation Abilities of Selected Allium Species Biofortified with Selenium under Open Field Conditions, Plants, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1 - 10, Jan, 2023
Аутори | Sandra Vuković, Đorđe Moravčević, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Biljana Dojčinović, Ana Vujošević, Илинка Пећинар, Sofija Kilibarda и Aleksandar Ž. Kostić |
Година | 2023 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12020349 |
Часопис | Plants |
Волумен | 12 |
Број | 2 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Design and characterization of whey protein nanocarriers for thyme essential oil encapsulation obtained by freeze-drying
M. Volić, I. Pećinar, D. Micić, V. Đorđrvić, R. Pešić, V. Nedović, N. Obradović, Design and characterization of whey protein nanocarriers for thyme essential oil encapsulation obtained by freeze-drying, FOOD CHEMISTRY, pp. 1 - 10, 2022
Аутори | Mina Volić, Илинка Пећинар, D Micić, Verica Đorđrvić, R Pešić, Viktor Nedović и Nataša Obradović |
Година | 2022 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.132749 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Raman spectroscopy as a useful tool in nutritional determination and distinction of Allium species
S. Vuković, Ђ. Моравчевић, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, А. Костић, А. Вујошевић, S. Kilibarda, I. Pećinar, Raman spectroscopy as a useful tool in nutritional determination and distinction of Allium species, Biology and life science forum, pp. 1 - 6, 2022
Аутори | Sandra Vuković, Ђорђе Моравчевић, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Александар Костић, Ана Вујошевић, Sofija Kilibarda и Илинка Пећинар |
Година | 2022 |
Часопис | Biology and life science forum |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 6 |
Azotobacter chroococcum F8/2: a multitasking bacterial strain in sugar beet biopriming
S. Kerečki, I. Pećinar, V. Karličić, N. Mirković, I. Kljujev, V. Raičević, J. Jovičić-Petrović, Azotobacter chroococcum F8/2: a multitasking bacterial strain in sugar beet biopriming, JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 719 - 730, Jun, 2022
Аутори | Slavica Kerečki, Илинка Пећинар, Vera Karličić, Nemanja Mirković, Игор Кљујев, Vera Raičević и Јелена Јовичић-Петровић |
Година | 2022 |
DOI | 10.1080/17429145.2022.2091802 |
Волумен | 17 |
Број | 1 |
Страна од | 719 |
Страна до | 730 |
Biopolymer-based powders with encapsulated thyme oil: Characterization and comparison with free oil regarding thermal stability and antimicrobial activity
M. Volić, D. Micić, S. Đurović, I. Pećinar, M. Pantić, B. Bugarski, N. Obradović, Biopolymer-based powders with encapsulated thyme oil: Characterization and comparison with free oil regarding thermal stability and antimicrobial activity, Food Bioscience, pp. 1 - 10, Aug, 2022
Аутори | Mina Volić, Darko Micić, Saša Đurović, Илинка Пећинар, Milena Pantić, Branko Bugarski и Nataša Obradović |
Година | 2022 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2022.102100 |
Часопис | Food Bioscience |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Chemical characterization of different colored tomatoes: application of biochemical and spectroscopic tools
I. Petrović, M. Marjanović, I. Pećinar, S. Savić, З. Јовановић, R. Stikić, Chemical characterization of different colored tomatoes: application of biochemical and spectroscopic tools, Biology and life science forum, pp. 1 - 6, 2022
Аутори | Ivana Petrović, Milena Marjanović, Илинка Пећинар, Slađana Savić, Зорица Јовановић и Radmila Stikić |
Година | 2022 |
Часопис | Biology and life science forum |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 6 |
Raman spectroscopy coupled with chemometric modeling approaches for authentication of different paprika varieties at physiological maturity
S. Kolašinac, I. Pećinar, D. Danojević, З. Дајић - Стевановић, Raman spectroscopy coupled with chemometric modeling approaches for authentication of different paprika varieties at physiological maturity, FOOD SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY-LWT, pp. 1 - 10, 2022
Аутори | Stefan Kolašinac, Илинка Пећинар, D Danojević и Зора Дајић - Стевановић |
Година | 2022 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of essential and toxic elements from pepper in different ripening stages using Box-Behnken design
M. Lučić, I. Sredović Ignjatović, S. Lević, I. Pećinar, M. Antić, S. Đurđić, A. Onjia, Ultrasound-assisted extraction of essential and toxic elements from pepper in different ripening stages using Box-Behnken design, JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, pp. 1 - 10, Aug, 2022
Аутори | Milica Lučić, Ivana Sredović Ignjatović, Steva Lević, Илинка Пећинар, Mališa Antić, Slađana Đurđić и Antonije Onjia |
Година | 2022 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1111/jfpp.16493 |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 10 |
Tomato Fruit Development in the Responses to Different Irrigation Practices: Developmental Study of Pericarp Cell Layers
I. Pećinar, S. Pekić Quarrie, N. Bertin, D. Rančić, S. Savić, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikić, Tomato Fruit Development in the Responses to Different Irrigation Practices: Developmental Study of Pericarp Cell Layers, Biology and life science forum, pp. 1 - 8, 2021
Аутори | Илинка Пећинар, Sofija Pekić Quarrie, Nadia Bertin, Драгана Ранчић, Slađana Savić, Зорица Јовановић и Radmila Stikić |
Година | 2021 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.3390/IECPS2020-08855 |
Часопис | Biology and life science forum |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 8 |
Rapid characterization of hypanthium and seed in wild and cultivated rosehip: application of Raman microscopy combined with multivariate analysis
I. Pećinar, Đ. Krstić, G. Caruso, J. Popović Đorđević, Rapid characterization of hypanthium and seed in wild and cultivated rosehip: application of Raman microscopy combined with multivariate analysis, Royal society open science, pp. 1 - 11, Mar, 2021
Аутори | Илинка Пећинар, Đurđa Krstić, Gianluca Caruso и Jelena Popović Đorđević |
Година | 2021 |
DOI | doi.org/10.1098/rsos.202064 |
Часопис | Royal society open science |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 11 |
Chemical characterization of rosehip (Rosa canina L.) seed: application of Raman spectroscopy and gas chromatography
D. Vasić, I. Pećinar, B. Špirović Trifunović, D. Paunović, J. Popović-Đorđević, Chemical characterization of rosehip (Rosa canina L.) seed: application of Raman spectroscopy and gas chromatography, Biology and life science forum, pp. 1 - 6, 2021
Аутори | Dušan Vasić, Илинка Пећинар, Bojana Špirović Trifunović, Dragana Paunović и Јелена Поповић-Ђорђевић |
Година | 2021 |
DOI | doi.org/10.3390/IECAG2021-09674 |
Часопис | Biology and life science forum |
Страна од | 1 |
Страна до | 6 |
Primena Ramanove spektroskopije u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja herbicida na sadržaj karotenoida u listovima Chenopodium album i Abutilon theophrasti
F. Vranješ, I. Pećinar, S. Lević, S. Vrbničanin, D. Božić, Primena Ramanove spektroskopije u cilju utvrđivanja uticaja herbicida na sadržaj karotenoida u listovima Chenopodium album i Abutilon theophrasti, Acta Herbologica, pp. 63 - 72, 2020
Аутори | Filip Vranješ, Илинка Пећинар, Стева Левић, Сава Врбничанин и Драгана Божић |
Година | 2020 |
DOI | doi.org/10.5937/29actaherb-26835 |
Часопис | Acta Herbologica |
Страна од | 63 |
Страна до | 72 |
Association of agronomical, morphological and anatomical traits with compensatory effect of stem reserve mobilization in common wheat genotypes under drought stress
S. Savić, V. Kandić, D. Rančić, I. Pećinar, A. Šešlija, D. Ivanović, K. Bratković, D. Dodig, Association of agronomical, morphological and anatomical traits with compensatory effect of stem reserve mobilization in common wheat genotypes under drought stress, Italian Journal of Agrometeorology , pp. 5 - 12, Jun, 2018
Аутори | Slađana Savić, Vesna Kandić, Драгана Ранчић, Илинка Пећинар, A Šešlija, D Ivanović, K Bratković и D Dodig |
Година | 2018 |
DOI | 10.19199/2017.3.2038-5625.005 |
Часопис | Italian Journal of Agrometeorology |
Страна од | 5 |
Страна до | 12 |
Response of wheat plants under post-anthesis stress induced by defoliation: II. Contribution of peduncle morpho-anatomical traits and carbon reserves to grain yield
D. Dodik, D. Rančić, B. Vucelić-Radović, M. Zorić, J. Savić, V. Kandić, I. Pećinar, S. Stanojević, A. Šeščija, D. Vassilev, S. Pekić Quarrie, Response of wheat plants under post-anthesis stress induced by defoliation: II. Contribution of peduncle morpho-anatomical traits and carbon reserves to grain yield, Journal of Agriculture science, pp. 475 - 493, 2017
Аутори | Dejan Dodik, Драгана Ранчић, Biljana Vucelić-Radović, M Zorić, Jasna Savić, Vesna Kandić, Илинка Пећинар, Slađana Stanojević, Aleksandra Šeščija, D Vassilev и Sofija Pekić Quarrie |
Година | 2017 |
Часопис | Journal of Agriculture science |
Страна од | 475 |
Страна до | 493 |