
professor Zorica Jovanović

full professor
Katedra za agrohemiju i fiziologiju biljaka
Scientific Area
Promotion Date July 13, 2011


O-ZH-20-BHFZB - Biohemija i fiziologija biljaka
O-RA-20-FIZB - Fiziologija biljaka
O-FM-20-FIZB - Physiology of Plants
O-HK-20-FIZB - Fiziologija biljaka
M-UZ-20-ARUS - Adaptivne reakcije biljaka u uslovima stresa
M-UZ-20-VRB - Vodni rezim biljaka
M-UZ-20-MRB - Monitoring reakcija biljaka u agroekosistemu
M-UZ-20-FF - Fitoindikacija i fitoremedijacija
M-HH-20-BFKP - Biohemijske i fizioloske osnove kvaliteta plodova
D-BI-20-FIS - Fiziologija semena
D-BI-20-FPP - Fiziologija rastenja, razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-BI-20-FSB - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-VV-20-FIS - Fiziologija semena
D-VV-20-FPP - Fiziologija rastenja, razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-VV-20-FSB - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-ZO-20-FIS - Fiziologija semena
D-ZO-20-FPP - Fiziologija rastenja, razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-ZO-20-FSB - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-RA-20-FIS - Fiziologija semena
D-RA-20-FPP - Fiziologija rastenja, razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-RA-20-FSB - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-UZ-20-FIS - Fiziologija semena
D-UZ-20-FOI - Fizioloske osnove ishrane biljaka
D-UZ-20-FPP - Fiziologija rastenja, razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-UZ-20-FSB - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-UZ-20-CBF - Citoloske, biohemijske i fizioloske osnove rastenja biljaka
D-FM-20-FIS - Fiziologija semena
D-FM-20-FPP - Fiziologija rastenja, razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-FM-20-FSB - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
O-RA-14-FIZB - Fiziologija biljaka
O-FM-14-FIZB-13 - Fiziologija biljaka
O-HK-14-FIZB-13 - Fiziologija biljaka
M-ML-14-VRB - Vodni rezim biljke
M-ML-14-MRB - Monitoring reakcije biljaka u agroekosistemima
M-ML-14-FF - Fitoindikacija i fitoremedijacija
M-HH-14-BFKP - Biohemijske i fizioloske osnove kvaliteta plodova
D-VV-14-FVL-13 - Fiziologija vinove loze
D-VV-14-FIS-13 - Fiziologija semena
D-VV-14-FRR-13 - Fiziologija rastenja,razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-VV-14-FSB-13 - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-ZO-14-FIS-13 - Fiziologija semena
D-ZO-14-FRR-13 - Fiziologija rastenja,razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-ZO-14-FSB-13 - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-ML-14-FIS-13 - Fiziologija semena
D-ML-14-FOI-13 - Fizioloske osnove ishrane biljaka
D-ML-14-FRR-13 - Fiziologija rastenja,razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-ML-14-FSB-13 - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-ML-14-CBF-13 - Citoloske, biohemijske i fizioloske osnove rastenja biljaka
D-PT-14-FIS-13 - Fiziologija semena
D-PT-14-FRR-13 - Fiziologija rastenja,razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-PT-14-FSB-13 - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-RA-14-FIS-13 - Fiziologija semena
D-RA-14-FRR-13 - Fiziologija rastenja,razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-RA-14-FSB-13 - Fiziologija stresa biljaka
D-FM-14-FIS-13 - Fiziologija semena
D-FM-14-FRR-13 - Fiziologija rastenja,razvica i produktivnosti biljaka
D-FM-14-FSB-13 - Fiziologija stresa biljaka


Papers in journals with SCI list

Determination of antioxidative and enzymatic activity in green and red lettuce cultivars affected by microbiological fertilisers and seasons

M. Stojanović, V. Maksimović, D. Mutavdžić, I. Petrović, Z. Jovanović, S. Savić, J. Dragišić Maksmimović, Determination of antioxidative and enzymatic activity in green and red lettuce cultivars affected by microbiological fertilisers and seasons, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 101 - 112, 2021

Autori Milica Stojanović, Vuk Maksimović, Dragosav Mutavdžić, Ivana Petrović, Zorica Jovanović, Sladjana Savić, and Jelena Dragišić Maksmimović
Godina 2021
DOI 10.9755/ejfa.2021.v33.i2.2354
Časopis Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture
Volumen 33
Broj 2
Strana od 101
Strana do 112

Polyphenolic profiles, antioxidant, and in vitro anticancer activities of the seeds of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars

R. Stikić, D. Milinčić, A. Kostić, Z Jovanović, U. Gašić, Ž. Tešić, N. Djordjević, S. Savić, B. Czekus, M. Pešić, Polyphenolic profiles, antioxidant, and in vitro anticancer activities of the seeds of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars, CEREAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 97, pp. 626 - 633, 2020

Autori Radmila Stikić, Danijel Milinčić, Aleksandar Kostić, Zorica Jovanović, Uroš Gašić, Živoslav Tešić, Nataša Djordjević, Sladjana Savić, Boriz Czekus, and Mirjana Pešić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.1002/cche.10278
Volumen 97
Strana od 626
Strana do 633

The productivity and quality of Lactuca sativa as influenced by microbiological fertilisers and seasonal conditions

M. Stojanović, I. Petrović, M. Žuža, Z. Jovanović, Đ. Moravčević, G. Cvijanović, S. Savić, The productivity and quality of Lactuca sativa as influenced by microbiological fertilisers and seasonal conditions, ZEMDIRBYSTE-AGRICULTURE, Vol. 107, No. 4, pp. 345 - 352, 2020

Autori Milica Stojanović, Ivana Petrović, Milena Žuža, Zorica Jovanović, Đorđe Moravčević, Gorica Cvijanović, and Sladjana Savić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.13080/z-a.2020.107.044
Volumen 107
Broj 4
Strana od 345
Strana do 352

Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization

B. Czekus, I. Pećinar, I. Petrović, N. Paunović, S. Savić, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikić, Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization, JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE, pp. 25 - 30, 2019

Autori Boriz Czekus, Ilinka Pećinar, Ivana Petrović, N Paunović, Slađana Savić, Zorica Jovanović, and Radmila Stikić
Godina 2019
Strana od 25
Strana do 30

Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit

I. Petrović, S. Savić, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikić, B. Brunel, S. Serino, N. Bertin, Fruit quality of cherry and large fruited tomato genotypes as influenced by water deficit, ZEMDIRBYSTE-AGRICULTURE, Vol. 106, No. 2, pp. 123 - 128, 2019

Autori Ivana Petrović, Sladjana Savić, Zorica Jovanović, Radmila Stikić, Beatrice Brunel, Sylvie Serino, and Nadia Bertin
Godina 2019
DOI 10.13080/z-a.2019.106.016
Volumen 106
Broj 2
Strana od 123
Strana do 128

Application of stress susceptibilty index for drought tolerance screening of tomato populations

J. Zdravković, Z. Jovanović, M. Djordjević, Z. Girek, M. Zdravković, R. Stikić, Application of stress susceptibilty index for drought tolerance screening of tomato populations, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 679 - 689, 2013

Autori Jasmina Zdravković, Zorica Jovanović, Mladen Djordjević, Zdenka Girek, Milan Zdravković, and Radmila Stikić
Godina 2013
DOI 10.2298/GENSR1303679Z
Volumen 45
Broj 3
Strana od 679
Strana do 689

Growth and proteomic analysis of tomato fruit under partial root-zone drying

M. Marjanović, R. Stikić, B. Vucelić-Radović, S. Savić, Z. Jovanović, N. Bertin, M. Faurobert, Growth and proteomic analysis of tomato fruit under partial root-zone drying, OMICS-A JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 343 - 356, 2012

Autori Milena Marjanović, Radmila Stikić, Biljana Vucelić-Radović, Sladjana Savić, Zorica Jovanović, Nadia Bertin, and Mireille Faurobert
Godina 2012
DOI 10.1089/omi.2011.0076
Volumen 16
Broj 6
Strana od 343
Strana do 356

Agronomical and nutritional evaluation of quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) as an ingredient in bread formulations

R. Stikic, D. Glamoclija, M. Demin, B. Vucelic-Radovic, Z. Jovanovic, D. Milojevic-Opsenica, S. Jacobsen, M. Milovanovic, Agronomical and nutritional evaluation of quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) as an ingredient in bread formulations, JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE, Vol. 55, pp. 132 - 138, 2012

Autori Radmila Stikic, Djordje Glamoclija, Mirjana Demin, Biljana Vucelic-Radovic, Zorica Jovanović, Dusanka Milojevic-Opsenica, Sven-Erik Jacobsen, and Mirjana Milovanovic
Godina 2012
DOI 10.1016/j.jcs.2011.10.010
Volumen 55
Strana od 132
Strana do 138

Impact of irrigation with treated low quality water on the heavy metal contents of a soil-crop system in Serbia

Surdyk, N, Cary, L, Blagojevic, S, Jovanovic, Z, Stikic, S, Vucelic-Radovic. B, Žarkovic, B, Sandei, L, Pettenati, M, Kloppmann, W, Impact of irrigation with treated low quality water on the heavy metal contents of a soil-crop system in Serbia, AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, Vol. 98, No. 3, pp. 451 - 457, 2010

Autori Nicolas Surdyk, Lise Cary, Srđan Blagojević, Zorica Jovanović, Radmila Stikić, Biljana Vucelić-Radović, Branka Žarković, Luca Sandei, Marie Pettenati, and Wolfram Kloppmann
Godina 2010
DOI 10.1016/j.agwat.2010.10.009
Volumen 98
Broj 3
Strana od 451
Strana do 457

Faecal contamination and hygiene aspect associated with the use of treated wastewater and canal water for irrigation of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.).

A. Forslund, J. Ensink, A. Battilani, I. Kljujev, S. Gola, V. Raičević, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikic, L. Sandei, T. Fletcher, A. Dalsgaard, Faecal contamination and hygiene aspect associated with the use of treated wastewater and canal water for irrigation of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)., AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, Vol. 98, pp. 440 - 450, 2010

Autori Anita Forslund, J.H.J. Ensink, Adriano Battilani, Igor Kljujev, Secondo Gola, Vera Raičević, Zorica Jovanović, Radmila Stikic, Luca Sandei, Toni Fletcher, and Andreas Dalsgaard
Godina 2010
DOI doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2010.10.007
Volumen 98
Strana od 440
Strana do 450

Partial root zone drying increases WUE, N and antioxidant content in field potatoes.

Z. Jovanović, R. Stikic, B. Vucelic-Radovic, M. Paukovic, Z. Broćić, G. Matovic, S. Rovcanin, M. Mojevic, Partial root zone drying increases WUE, N and antioxidant content in field potatoes., EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY, Vol. 33, pp. 124 - 131, 2010

Autori Zorica Jovanović, Radmila Stikic, Biljana Vucelic-Radovic, Milena Paukovic, Zoran Broćić, Gordana Matović, Sead Rovcanin, and Mirjana Mojevic
Godina 2010
DOI 10.1016/j.eja.2010.04.003
Volumen 33
Strana od 124
Strana do 131

Deficit irrigation based on drought tolerance and root signalling in potatoes and tomatoes

C. Jensen, A. Battilani, F. Plauborg, G. Psarras, K. Chartzoulakis, F. Janowiak, R. Stikic, Z. Jovanović, G. Li, X. Qi, F. Liu, S. Jacobsen, M. Andersen, Deficit irrigation based on drought tolerance and root signalling in potatoes and tomatoes, AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, Vol. 98, pp. 403 - 413, 2010

Autori Christian R. Jensen, Adriano Battilani, Finn Plauborg, Georgios Psarras, Kostas Chartzoulakis, Franciszek Janowiak, Radmila Stikic, Zorica Jovanović, Guitong Li, Xuebin Qi, Fulai Liu, Sven-Erik Jacobsen, and Mathias N. Andersen
Godina 2010
DOI 10.1016/j.agwat.2010.10.018
Volumen 98
Strana od 403
Strana do 413

Farmers’ incentives to save water with new irrigation systems and water taxation-A case study of Serbian potato production

J. Ørum, M. Boesen, Z. Jovanović, S. Pedersen, Farmers’ incentives to save water with new irrigation systems and water taxation-A case study of Serbian potato production, AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, Vol. 98, pp. 465 - 471, 2010

Autori Jens Erik Ørum, Mads Vejlby Boesen, Zorica Jovanović, and Søren Marcus Pedersen
Godina 2010
DOI 10.1016/j.agwat.2010.10.019
Volumen 98
Strana od 465
Strana do 471

Partial root drying irrigation technique: practical application of drought stress signaling mechanism in plant.

S. Savić, R. Stikić, Z. Jovanović, LJ. Prokić, M. Pauković, Partial root drying irrigation technique: practical application of drought stress signaling mechanism in plant., Archives of Biological Sciences, Vol. 61, pp. 285 - 288, 2009

Autori Slađana Savić, Radmila Stikić, Zorica Jovanović, Ljiljana Prokić, and Milena Pauković
Godina 2009
Časopis Archives of Biological Sciences
Volumen 61
Strana od 285
Strana do 288

Comparative effects of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) on growth and cell wall peroxidase activity in tomato fruits

S. Savić, R. Stikić, B. Vucelić-Radović, B. Bogičević, Z. Jovanović, V. Hadži-Tašković Šukalović, Comparative effects of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) on growth and cell wall peroxidase activity in tomato fruits, Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp. 15 - 20, 2008

Autori Sladjana Savić, Radmila Stikić, Biljana Vucelić-Radović, Biljana Bogičević, Zorica Jovanović, and Vesna Hadži-Tašković Šukalović
Godina 2008
DOI 10.1016/j.scienta.2008.03.009
Časopis Scientia Horticulturae
Volumen 117
Broj 1
Strana od 15
Strana do 20

Species-dependent changes in stomatal sensitivity to abscisic acid mediated by external pH.

LJ. Prokic, Z. Jovanovic, M. McAinsh, Z. Vucinic, R. Stikic, Species-dependent changes in stomatal sensitivity to abscisic acid mediated by external pH., JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 675 - 683, 2006

Autori Ljiljana Prokić, Zorica Jovanović, Martin R. McAinsh, Željko Vučinić, and Radmila Stikic
Godina 2006
DOI 10.1093/jxb/erj057
Volumen 57
Broj 3
Strana od 675
Strana do 683

The Mutual Effect of Extracellular Ca2+, Abscisic Acid, and pH on the Rate of Stomatal Closure.

LJ. Prokić, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikić, Ž. Vučinić, The Mutual Effect of Extracellular Ca2+, Abscisic Acid, and pH on the Rate of Stomatal Closure., ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Vol. 1048, pp. 513 - 516, 2005

Autori Ljiljana Prokić, Zorica Jovanović, Radmila Stikić, and Željko Vučinić
Godina 2005
DOI 10.1196/annals.1342.079
Volumen 1048
Strana od 513
Strana do 516

Effect of N deficiency on leaf growth and cell wall peroxidase activity in contrasting maize genotypes

Z. Jovanović, T. Djakovic, R. Stikic, Lj. Prokic, V. Hadzi-Taskovic Sukalovic, Effect of N deficiency on leaf growth and cell wall peroxidase activity in contrasting maize genotypes, PLANT AND SOIL, Vol. 265, pp. 211 - 223, 2004

Autori Zorica Jovanović, Tanja Djakovic, Radmila Stikić, Ljiljana Prokić, and Vesna Hadži-Tašković Šukalović
Godina 2004
Volumen 265
Strana od 211
Strana do 223

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Chemical characterization of different colored tomatoes: application of biochemical and spectroscopic tools

I. Petrović, M. Marjanović, I. Pećinar, S. Savić, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikić, Chemical characterization of different colored tomatoes: application of biochemical and spectroscopic tools, Biology and life science forum, pp. 1 - 6, 2022

Autori Ivana Petrović, Milena Marjanović, Ilinka Pećinar, Slađana Savić, Zorica Jovanović, and Radmila Stikić
Godina 2022
Časopis Biology and life science forum
Strana od 1
Strana do 6

Biochemical and proteomic approach in the analysis of tomato mutant fruit growth

M. Marjanović, Z. Jovanović, B. Vucelić-Radović, S. Savić, I. Petrović, R. Stikić, Biochemical and proteomic approach in the analysis of tomato mutant fruit growth, Botanica Serbica, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 71 - 85, 2021

Autori Milena Marjanović, Zorica Jovanović, Biljana Vucelić-Radović, Sladjana Savić, Ivana Petrović, and Radmila Stikić
Godina 2021
DOI 10.2298/BOTSERB2101071M
Časopis Botanica Serbica
Volumen 45
Broj 1
Strana od 71
Strana do 85

Effect of long-term drought on tomato leaves: the impact on metabolic and antioxidative response

I. Petrović, S. Savić, J. Gricourt, M. Causse, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikić, Effect of long-term drought on tomato leaves: the impact on metabolic and antioxidative response, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, Vol. 27, No. 12, pp. 2805 - 2817, 2021

Autori Ivana Petrović, Sladjana Savić, Justine Gricourt, Mathilde Causse, Zorica Jovanović, and Radmila Stikić
Godina 2021
DOI 10.1007/s12298-021-01102-2
Časopis Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
Volumen 27
Broj 12
Strana od 2805
Strana do 2817

Tomato Fruit Development in the Responses to Different Irrigation Practices: Developmental Study of Pericarp Cell Layers

I. Pećinar, S. Pekić Quarrie, N. Bertin, D. Rančić, S. Savić, Z. Jovanović, R. Stikić, Tomato Fruit Development in the Responses to Different Irrigation Practices: Developmental Study of Pericarp Cell Layers, Biology and life science forum, pp. 1 - 8, 2021

Autori Ilinka Pećinar, Sofija Pekić Quarrie, Nadia Bertin, Dragana Rančić, Slađana Savić, Zorica Jovanović, and Radmila Stikić
Godina 2021
Časopis Biology and life science forum
Strana od 1
Strana do 8

Partial Root-Zone Drying Technique: from Water Saving to the Improvement of a Fruit Quality

Z. Jovanovic, R. Stikic, Partial Root-Zone Drying Technique: from Water Saving to the Improvement of a Fruit Quality, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 1 - 9, 2018

Autori Zorica Jovanović and Radmila Stikić
Godina 2018
DOI 10.3389/fsufs.2017.00003
Časopis Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Volumen 1
Broj 3
Strana od 1
Strana do 9

The effect of drought on water regime and growth of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

R. Stikić, Z. Jovanović, M. Marjanović, S. Djordjević, The effect of drought on water regime and growth of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 80 - 84, 2015

Autori Radmila Stikić, Zorica Jovanović, Milena Marjanović, and Slaviša Djordjević
Godina 2015
DOI 10.5937/ratpov52-8000
Časopis Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Volumen 52
Broj 2
Strana od 80
Strana do 84

Mitigation of plant drought stress in a changing climate

R. Stikić, Z. Jovanović, Lj. Prokić, Mitigation of plant drought stress in a changing climate, Botanica Serbica, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 35 - 42, 2014

Autori Radmila Stikić, Zorica Jovanović, and Ljiljana Prokić
Godina 2014
Časopis Botanica Serbica
Volumen 38
Broj 1
Strana od 35
Strana do 42

Deficit irrigation method for reducing water use of tomato under polytunnel conditions

S. Savic, R. Stikic, V. Zaric, B. Vucelić-Radovic, Z. Jovanovic, M. Marjanovic, S. Djordjevic, D. Petkovic, Deficit irrigation method for reducing water use of tomato under polytunnel conditions, Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 590 - 600, 2011

Autori Sladjana Savić, Radmila Stikić, Vlade Zarić, Biljana Vucelić-Radović, Zorica Jovanović, Milena Marjanović, Slaviša Djordjević, and Danijela Petković
Godina 2011
DOI 10.5513/JCEA01/12.4.960
Časopis Journal of Central European Agriculture
Volumen 12
Broj 4
Strana od 590
Strana do 600