
prof. dr Jelena Popović-Đorđević

Redovni profesor
Katedra za hemiju i biohemiju
Termini ispita JANUAR 2024 18.01. u 10 h; 24.01. 2024 u 10h FEBRUAR 2024 01.02. 2024 u 10h; 09.02.2024 u 9h APRIL 2024 26.04. 2024 u 9h JUN 2024 20.06. u 10h; 24.06. 2024 u 9 h JUL 2024 09.07. 2024 u 9h SEPTEMBAR 2024 13.09. 2024 u 9 h
Naučna oblast Hemija
Datum izbora 13. jul 2022.



Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Mineral composition of soil and the wheat grain in intensive and conservation cropping systems

Ž. Dolijanović, S. Roljević Nikolić, V. Dragičević, J. Mutić, S. Šeremešić, Z. Jovović, J. Popović-Đorđević, Mineral composition of soil and the wheat grain in intensive and conservation cropping systems, Agronomy (Basel), Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 1321 - 1337, May, 2022

Autori Željko Dolijanović, Svetlana Roljević Nikolić, Vesna Dragičević, Jelena Mutić, Srdjan Šeremešić, Zoran Jovović i Jelena Popović-Đorđević
Godina 2022
Časopis Agronomy (Basel)
Volumen 12
Broj 6
Strana od 1321
Strana do 1337

Multi-elemental analysis, pattern recognition techniques of wild and cultivated rosehip from Serbia and nutritional aspect

J. Popović-Đorđević, D. Mihajlović, A. Milić, Đ. Krstić, S. Moghaddam, V. Roje, Multi-elemental analysis, pattern recognition techniques of wild and cultivated rosehip from Serbia and nutritional aspect, BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH, Vol. 199, pp. 1110 - 1122, 2020

Autori Jelena Popović-Đorđević, Dragana Mihajlović, Aleksandra Milić, Đurđa Krstić, Sina Moghaddam i Vibor Roje
Godina 2020
Volumen 199
Strana od 1110
Strana do 1122

Mineral profile of the winter wheat grain: effects of soil tillage systems and nitrogen fertilization

Ž. Dolijanović, S. Roljević Nikolić, D. Kovačević, S. Djurdjić, R. Miodragović, M. Jovanović Todorović, J. Popović-Đorđević, Mineral profile of the winter wheat grain: effects of soil tillage systems and nitrogen fertilization, APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 11757 - 11771, 2019

Autori Željko Dolijanović, Svetlana Roljević Nikolić, Dušan Kovačević, Slađana Djurdjić, Rajko Miodragović, Marijana Jovanović Todorović i Jelena Popović-Đorđević
Godina 2019
Volumen 17
Broj 5
Strana od 11757
Strana do 11771

Assessment of Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Fresh and Dried Rosehip (Rosa canina L.)

D. Mihajlović, A. Kalušević, T. Petrović, D. Đinović, J. Popović-Đorđević, Assessment of Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Fresh and Dried Rosehip (Rosa canina L.), NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 108 - 113, 2019

Autori Dragana Mihajlović, Ana Kalušević, Tanja Petrović, Dušica Đinović i Jelena Popović-Đorđević
Godina 2019
DOI DOI:47.15835/nbha47111221
Volumen 47
Broj 1
Strana od 108
Strana do 113

A contribution to the elemental profile of the leaf samples of newly developed Cabernet Franc varieties

B. Stanimirović, D. Vujović, B. Pejin, J. Popović-Đorđević, R. Maletić, P. Raicevic, Z. Tesic, A contribution to the elemental profile of the leaf samples of newly developed Cabernet Franc varieties, NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH, pp. 1 - 10, 2019

Autori Bojana Stanimirović, Dragan Vujović, Boris Pejin, Jelena Popović-Đorđević, Radojka Maletić, Petar Raicevic i Zivoslav Tesic
Godina 2019
DOI 10.1080/14786419.2018.1457671
Strana od 1
Strana do 10

Impact of clonal selection on Cabernet Franc Grape and wine elemental profiles

B. Stanimirović, J. Popović-Đorđević, B. Pejin, R. Maletić, D. Vujović, P. Raicevic, Z. Tesic, Impact of clonal selection on Cabernet Franc Grape and wine elemental profiles, Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 237, pp. 74 - 80, Mar, 2018

Autori Bojana Stanimirović, Jelena Popović-Đorđević, Boris Pejin, Radojka Maletić, Dragan Vujović, Petar Raicevic i Zivoslav Tesic
Godina 2018
DOI 10.1016/j.scienta.2018.03.043
Časopis Scientia Horticulturae
Volumen 237
Strana od 74
Strana do 80

Content and weekly intake of essential and toxic elements in Serbian vegetables

J. Popović-Đorđević, N. Bokan, A. Dramićanin, I. Brčeski, A. Kostić, Content and weekly intake of essential and toxic elements in Serbian vegetables, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGY, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 889 - 898, Mar, 2017

Autori Jelena Popović-Đorđević, Nikola Bokan, Aleksandra Dramićanin, Ilija Brčeski i Aleksandar Kostić
Godina 2017
Volumen 18
Broj 3
Strana od 889
Strana do 898

Viticultural and chemical characteristics of muscat hamburg preselected clones grown for table grapes

D. Vujović, R. Maletić, J. Popović-Đorđević, B. Pejin, R. Ristić, Viticultural and chemical characteristics of muscat hamburg preselected clones grown for table grapes, JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, Vol. Vol.97 (2):, No. 2, pp. 587 - 594, 2017

Autori Dragan Vujović, Radojka Maletić, Jelena Popović-Đorđević, Boris Pejin i Renata Ristić
Godina 2017
DOI 10.1002/jsfa.7769
Volumen Vol.97 (2):
Broj 2
Strana od 587
Strana do 594

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Insight into Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Properties of Rosehip (Rosa canina L.)-Based Tisanes with Addition of Hibiscus Flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

D. Vasić, J. Katanić Stanković, T. Urošević, M. Kozarski, N. Naumovski, H. Khan, J. Popović-Đorđević, Insight into Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidant and Anti-Diabetic Properties of Rosehip (Rosa canina L.)-Based Tisanes with Addition of Hibiscus Flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Saffron (Crocus sativus L.), Beverages, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1 - 16, 2024

Autori Dušan Vasić, Jelena S. Katanić Stanković, Tijana Urošević, Maja Kozarski, Nenad Naumovski, Haroon Khan i Jelena Popović-Đorđević
Godina 2024
Časopis Beverages
Volumen 10
Broj 1
Strana od 1
Strana do 16

Spatial distribution of major and trace elements in artificial lakes in Serbia: health risk indices and suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes

R. Maletić, G. Marković, A. Kostić, L. Kaluđerović, N. Pantelić, J. Popović-Đorđević, J. Šrtbački, J. Cakić, B. Dojčinović, A. Giuffre, Spatial distribution of major and trace elements in artificial lakes in Serbia: health risk indices and suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes, ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, pp. 1237 - 1260, Sep, 2023

Autori Radojka Maletić, Goran Marković, Aleksandar Kostić, Lazar Kaluđerović, Nebojša Pantelić, Jelena Popović-Đorđević, Jana Šrtbački, Jovan Cakić, Biljana Dojčinović i Angelo Maria Giuffre
Godina 2023
DOI https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s10661- 023- 11740-6.
Strana od 1237
Strana do 1260

Chemical characterization of rosehip (Rosa canina L.) seed: application of Raman spectroscopy and gas chromatography

D. Vasić, I. Pećinar, B. Špirović Trifunović, D. Paunović, J. Popović-Đorđević, Chemical characterization of rosehip (Rosa canina L.) seed: application of Raman spectroscopy and gas chromatography, Biology and life science forum, pp. 1 - 6, 2021

Autori Dušan Vasić, Ilinka Pećinar, Bojana Špirović Trifunović, Dragana Paunović i Jelena Popović-Đorđević
Godina 2021
Časopis Biology and life science forum
Strana od 1
Strana do 6

Assessment of Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Fresh and Dried Rosehip (Rosa canina L.)

D. Paunović, A. Kalušević, T. Petrović, T. Urošević, D. Đinović, V. Nedović, J. Popović-Đorđević, Assessment of Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Fresh and Dried Rosehip (Rosa canina L.), Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj – Napoca, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 108 - 113, 2019

Autori Dragana Paunović, Ana Kalušević, Tanja Petrović, Tijana Urošević, Dušica Đinović, Viktor Nedović i Jelena Popović-Đorđević
Godina 2019
DOI 47.15835/nbha47111221
Časopis Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj – Napoca
Volumen 47
Broj 1
Strana od 108
Strana do 113

Physicochemical properties of waters in Soutern Banat (Serbia): Potential leaching of some trace elements from ground and human health risk

A. Kostić, N. Pantelić, L. Kaluđerović, J. Jonaš, B. Dojčinović, J. Popović-Đorđević, Physicochemical properties of waters in Soutern Banat (Serbia): Potential leaching of some trace elements from ground and human health risk, Exposure & Health, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 227 - 238, Feb, 2016

Autori Aleksandar Kostić, Nebojša Pantelić, Lazar Kaluđerović, Jarmila Jonaš, Biljana Dojčinović i Jelena Popović-Đorđević
Godina 2016
Časopis Exposure & Health
Volumen 8
Broj 2
Strana od 227
Strana do 238