professor Snežana Jovanović
441-3121 | |
Scientific Area | |
Promotion Date | December 14, 2011 |
Papers in journals with SCI list
Seasonal variations of Saanen goat milk composition and the impact of climatic conditions
N. Kljajević, I. Tomašević, Z. Miloradović, A. Nedeljković, J. Miočinović, S. Jovanović, Seasonal variations of Saanen goat milk composition and the impact of climatic conditions, JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 299 - 303, 2018
Autori | Nemanja Kajević, Igor Tomašević, Zorana Miloradović, Aleksandar Nedeljković, Jelena Miočinović, and Snežana Jovanović |
Godina | 2018 |
Volumen | 55 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 299 |
Strana do | 303 |
Textural and physico-chemical characteristics of white brined goat cheeses made from frozen milk and curd. The use of square I - distance statistics
N. Kljajević, Z. Miloradović, J. Miočinović, S. Jovanović, Textural and physico-chemical characteristics of white brined goat cheeses made from frozen milk and curd. The use of square I - distance statistics, MLJEKARSTVO, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 130 - 137, 2017
Autori | Nemanja Kljajević, Zorana Miloradović, Jelena Miočinović, and Snežana Jovanović |
Godina | 2017 |
Volumen | 67 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 130 |
Strana do | 137 |
Influence of the frozen storage period on the coagulation properties of caprine milk
N. Kljajević, S. Jovanović, Z. Miloradović, O. Maćej, T. Vučić, I. Zdravković, Influence of the frozen storage period on the coagulation properties of caprine milk, INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, Vol. 58, pp. 36 - 38, 2016
Autori | Nemanja Kljajević, Snežana Jovanović, Zorana Miloradović, Ognjen Maćej, Tanja Vučić, and Igor Zdravković |
Godina | 2016 |
Volumen | 58 |
Strana od | 36 |
Strana do | 38 |
The effect of heat treatment of caprine milk on the composition of cheese whey.
Z. Miloradović, O. Maćej, N. Kljjajević, S. Jovanović, T. Vučić, I. Zdravković, The effect of heat treatment of caprine milk on the composition of cheese whey., INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL, Vol. 58, pp. 39 - 42, 2016
Autori | Zorana Miloradović, Ognjen Maćej, Nemanja Kljjajević, Snežana Jovanović, Tanja Vučić, and Igor Zdravković |
Godina | 2016 |
Volumen | 58 |
Strana od | 39 |
Strana do | 42 |
The effect of heat treatment and skimming on precipitate formation in caprine and bovine milks
Z. Miloradović, N. Kljajević, S. Jovanović, T. Vučić, O. Maćej, The effect of heat treatment and skimming on precipitate formation in caprine and bovine milks, JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH, Vol. 82, No. 1, pp. 22 - 28, 2015
Autori | Zorana Miloradović, Nemanja Kljajević, Snežana Jovanović, Tanja Vučić, and Ognjen Maćej |
Godina | 2015 |
Volumen | 82 |
Broj | 1 |
Strana od | 22 |
Strana do | 28 |
Primary proteolysis of white brined goat cheese monitored by high molarity Tris buffer SDS- PAGE system
M. Barać, M. Smiljanić, M. Pešić, S. Stanojević, S. Jovanović, O. Maćej, Primary proteolysis of white brined goat cheese monitored by high molarity Tris buffer SDS- PAGE system, MLJEKARSTVO, Vol. 63, No. 3, pp. 122 - 131, 2013
Autori | Miroljub Barać, Milenko Smiljanić, Mirjana Pešić, Slađana Stanojević, Snežana Jovanović, and Ognjen Maćej |
Godina | 2013 |
Volumen | 63 |
Broj | 3 |
Strana od | 122 |
Strana do | 131 |
Artisanal Vlasina Raw Goat's Milk Cheese: Evaluation and Selection of Autochthonous Lactic Acid Bacteria as Starter Cultures.
A. Terzić-Vidojević, M. Tolinački, M. Nikolić, K. Veljović, S. Jovanović, O. Maćej, L. Topisirović, Artisanal Vlasina Raw Goat's Milk Cheese: Evaluation and Selection of Autochthonous Lactic Acid Bacteria as Starter Cultures., FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 554 - 563, 2013
Autori | Amarela Terzić-Vidojević, Maja Tolinački, Milica Nikolić, Katarina Veljović, Snežana Jovanović, Ognjen Maćej, and Ljubiša Topisirović |
Godina | 2013 |
Volumen | 51 |
Broj | 4 |
Strana od | 554 |
Strana do | 563 |
Effects of high hidrostatic pressure on the viscosity of β-lactoglobulin solution
D. Marjanović, S. Jovanović, A. Baars, M. Barać, Effects of high hidrostatic pressure on the viscosity of β-lactoglobulin solution, MLJEKARSTVO, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 135 - 144, 2011
Autori | Danijela Marjanović, Snežana Jovanović, Albert Baars, and Miroljub Barać |
Godina | 2011 |
Volumen | 62 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 135 |
Strana do | 144 |
SDS-PAGE Analysis of Soluble Proteins in Reconstituted Milk Exposed to Different Heat Treatment
S. Jovanović, M. Barać, O. Maćej, T. Vučić, Č. Lačnjevac, SDS-PAGE Analysis of Soluble Proteins in Reconstituted Milk Exposed to Different Heat Treatment, SENSORS, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 371 - 383, 2007
Autori | Snežana Jovanović, Miroljub Barać, Ognjen Maćej, Tanja Vučić, and Časlav Lačnjevac |
Godina | 2007 |
Časopis | SENSORS |
Volumen | 7 |
Broj | 3 |
Strana od | 371 |
Strana do | 383 |
PAGE analysis of milk proteins altered by high thermal treatment.
S. Jovanović, M. Barać, O. Maćej, J. Denin Đurđević, PAGE analysis of milk proteins altered by high thermal treatment., ACTA ALIMENTARIA, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 105 - 112, 2005
Autori | Snežana Jovanović, Miroljub Barać, Ognjen Maćej, and Jelena Denin Đurđević |
Godina | 2005 |
Volumen | 34 |
Broj | 2 |
Strana od | 105 |
Strana do | 112 |
Papers in journals outside the SCI list
Nitrogen matter changes during ripening of semihard cheese based on milk protein coaggregates
S. Jovanović, O. Maćej, M. Barać, T. Vučić, Nitrogen matter changes during ripening of semihard cheese based on milk protein coaggregates, MLJEKARSTVO, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 169 - 193, 2007
Autori | Snežana Jovanović, Ognjen Maćej, Miroljub Barać, and Tanja Vučić |
Godina | 2007 |
Volumen | 57 |
Broj | 3 |
Strana od | 169 |
Strana do | 193 |