
prof. dr Đorđe Moravčević

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Katedra za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Termini ispita SEPTEMBARSKI ROK P (2024)...... Poštovane koleginice i kolege, Svi koji planiraju da izađu na ispit u dole predviđenim terminima, potrebno je da se dva dana ranije prijave na e-mail: , nakon čega ćete dobiti svoju satnicu za polaganje pismenog i/ili usmenog dela ispita...... OSNOVNE STUDIJE.... Opšte povrtarstvo, Posebno povrtarstvo, Stručna praksa 2 (RA)-18.09.2024. (9:00h) i 24.09.2024. (9:00h);...... Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo (FM, povrtarski deo)-18. 09.2024. (11:00h) i 24.09.2024. (11:00h),----- Povrtarstvo (VV)-18.09.2024. (11:00h) i 24.09.2024. (11:00h)..... MASTER STUDIJE..... Uvod u metode istraživanja (RA)-18.09.2024. (10:00h) i 24.09.2024. (10:00h), Povrtarska proizvodnja na OP (RA)- 18.09.2024. (10:00h) i 24.09.2024. (10:00h), Proizvodnja rasada povrća (RA)- 18.09.2024. (10:00h) i 24.09.2024. (10:00h)... DOKTORSKE STUDIJE... Metode istraživanja u RiP, Integralna proizvodnja povrća-18.09.2024. (11:00h) i 24.09.2024. (11:00h).
Naučna oblast Ratarstvo, povrtarstvo, cvećarstvo, krmno i lekovito bilje
Datum izbora 15. jun 2022.



Radovi u časopisima sa SCI liste

Correlation between Ground Measurements and UAV Sensed Vegetation Indices for Yield Prediction of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods

A. Lipovac, A. Bezdan, Dj. Moravčević, N. Djurović, M. Ćosić, P. Benka, R. Stričević, Correlation between Ground Measurements and UAV Sensed Vegetation Indices for Yield Prediction of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods, Water, Vol. 14, No. 3786, pp. 1 - 23, Nov, 2022

Autori Aleksa Lipovac, Atila Bezdan, Đorđe Moravčević, Nevenka Đurović, Marija Ćosić, Pavel Benka i Ružica Stričević
Godina 2022
DOI 10.3390/w14223786
Časopis Water
Volumen 14
Broj 3786
Strana od 1
Strana do 23

Phytochemical characterization and antioxidant potential of Allium ursinum L. cultivated on different soil types - a preliminary study

S. Gordanić, D. Radanović, S. Vuković, S. Kolašinac, S. Kilibarda, T. Marković, Đ. Moravčević, A. Kostić, Phytochemical characterization and antioxidant potential of Allium ursinum L. cultivated on different soil types - a preliminary study, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 904 - 914, Oct, 2022

Autori Stefan Gordanić, Dragoja Radanović, Sandra Vuković, Stefan Kolašinac, Sofija Kilibarda, Tatjana Marković, Đorđe Moravčević i Aleksandar Kostić
Godina 2022
DOI 10.9755/ejfa.2022.v34.i11.2958
Časopis Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture
Volumen 34
Broj 11
Strana od 904
Strana do 914

Correlation between Ground Measurements and UAV Sensed Vegetation Indices for Yield Prediction of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods

A. Lipovac, A. Bezdan, Đ. Moravčević, N. Đurović, M. Ćosić, P. Benka, R. Stričević, Correlation between Ground Measurements and UAV Sensed Vegetation Indices for Yield Prediction of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods, Water, Vol. 14, No. 22, pp. 1 - 23, Oct, 2022

Autori Aleksa Lipovac, Atila Bezdan, Đorđe Moravčević, Nevenka Đurović, Marija Ćosić, Pavel Benka i Ružica Stričević
Godina 2022
Časopis Water
Volumen 14
Broj 22
Strana od 1
Strana do 23

The productivity and quality of Lactuca sativa as influenced by microbiological fertilisers and seasonal conditions

M. Stojanović, I. Petrović, M. Žuža, Z. Jovanović, Đ. Moravčević, G. Cvijanović, S. Savić, The productivity and quality of Lactuca sativa as influenced by microbiological fertilisers and seasonal conditions, ZEMDIRBYSTE-AGRICULTURE, Vol. 107, No. 4, pp. 345 - 352, 2020

Autori Milica Stojanović, Ivana Petrović, Milena Žuža, Zorica Jovanović, Đorđe Moravčević, Gorica Cvijanović i Sladjana Savić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.13080/z-a.2020.107.044
Volumen 107
Broj 4
Strana od 345
Strana do 352

Effect of tomato juice storage on vitamin C and phenolic compounds and their stability over one-year period

N. Pavlović, J. Mladenović, M. Zdravković, Đ. Moravčević, D. Poštić, J. Zdravković, Effect of tomato juice storage on vitamin C and phenolic compounds and their stability over one-year period, BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 400 - 405, 2019

Autori Nenad Pavlović, Jelena Mladenović, Milan Zdravković, Đorđe Moravčević, Dobrivoje Poštić i Jasmina Zdravković
Godina 2019
DOI 10.34049/bcc.51.3.5088
Volumen 51
Broj 3
Strana od 400
Strana do 405

Comparison of essential oils and hydromethanol extracts of cultivated and wild growing Thymus pannonicus All.

J. Arsenijević, M. Drobac, I. Šoštarić, R. Jevđović, J. Živković, S. Ražić, Z. Maksimović, Đ. Moravčević, Comparison of essential oils and hydromethanol extracts of cultivated and wild growing Thymus pannonicus All., INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, Vol. 130, No. April 2019, pp. 162 - 169, 2018

Autori Jelena Arsenijević, Milica Drobac, Ivan Šoštarić, Radosav Jevđović, Jelena Živković, Slavica Ražić, Zoran Maksimović i Đorđe Moravčević
Godina 2018
Volumen 130
Broj April 2019
Strana od 162
Strana do 169

Cover crop effects on the fate of N in sweet maize (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt.) production in a semiarid region

B. Janošević, Ž. Dolijanović, V. Dragičević, M. Simić, M. Dodevska, S. Djordjević, Đ. Moravčević, R. Miodragović, Cover crop effects on the fate of N in sweet maize (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt.) production in a semiarid region, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT PRODUCTION, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 285 - 294, Apr, 2017

Autori Biljana Janošević, Željko Dolijanović, Vesna Dragičević, Milena Simić, Margarita Dodevska, Snežana Djordjević, Đorđe Moravčević i Rajko Miodragović
Godina 2017
Volumen 11
Broj 2
Strana od 285
Strana do 294

Mode of inheritance and AMMI analysis of onion (Allium cepa L.) bulb traits

N. Pavlović, Z. Girek, M. Zdravković, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, Đ. Moravčević, J. Zdravković, Mode of inheritance and AMMI analysis of onion (Allium cepa L.) bulb traits, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 729 - 742, 2017

Autori Nenad Pavlović, Zdenka Girek, Milan Zdravković, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Đorđe Moravčević i Jasmina Zdravković
Godina 2017
Volumen 49
Broj 2
Strana od 729
Strana do 742

Predicting biomass and yield of sweet pepper grown with and without plastic film mulching under different water supply and weather conditions.

M. Ćosić, R. Stričević, N. Đurović, Đ. Moravčević, M. Pavlović, M. Todorović, Predicting biomass and yield of sweet pepper grown with and without plastic film mulching under different water supply and weather conditions., AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, pp. 91 - 100, 2017

Autori Marija Ćosić, Ružica Stričević, Nevenka Đurović, Đorđe Moravčević, Miloš Pavlović i Mladen Todorović
Godina 2017
Strana od 91
Strana do 100

Production and Chemical Characteristics of the Populations of Spring Garlic (Allium sativum L.) from the Serbian Genetic Collection

Đ. Moravčević, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, N. Pavlović, V. Todorović, M. Ugrinović, Production and Chemical Characteristics of the Populations of Spring Garlic (Allium sativum L.) from the Serbian Genetic Collection, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 227 - 236, 2017

Autori Đorđe Moravčević, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Nenad Pavlović, Vida Todorović i Milan Ugrinović
Godina 2017
Časopis Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture
Volumen 29
Broj 3
Strana od 227
Strana do 236

First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’ in Pepper and Celery in Bosnia and Herzegovina

D. Delić, N. Contaldo, B. Lolić, Đ. Moravčević, A. Bertaccini, First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’ in Pepper and Celery in Bosnia and Herzegovina, JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY, Vol. 98, No. 1, pp. 184 - 184, 2016

Autori Duška Delić, N Contaldo, Biljana Lolić, Đorđe Moravčević i A Bertaccini
Godina 2016
Volumen 98
Broj 1
Strana od 184
Strana do 184

Phenotipic Diversity of basic characteristics of genotypes from the Serbia onion collection

J. Gvozdanović-Varga, M. Vasić, J. Červenski, A. Petrović, Đ. Moravčević, Phenotipic Diversity of basic characteristics of genotypes from the Serbia onion collection, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 101 - 108, 2013

Autori Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Mirjana Vasić, Janko Červenski, Ana Marija Petrović i Đorđe Moravčević
Godina 2013
Volumen 45
Broj 1
Strana od 101
Strana do 108

Effect of plant density on the characteristics of photosynthetic apparatus of garlic (Allium sativum var. vulgare L.)

Đ. Moravčević, V. Bjelić, D. Savić, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, D. Beatović, S. Jelačić, V. Zarić, Effect of plant density on the characteristics of photosynthetic apparatus of garlic (Allium sativum var. vulgare L.), AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 10, No. 71, pp. 15861 - 15868, 2011

Autori Đorđe Moravčević, Vukašin Bjelić, Dubravka Savić, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Damir Beatović, Slavica Jelačić i Vlade Zarić
Godina 2011
DOI 10.5897/AJB11.105
Volumen 10
Broj 71
Strana od 15861
Strana do 15868

Chemical composition of the essential oil of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. Lamiaceae)

S. Jelačić, D. Beatović, S. Prodanović, S. Tasić, Đ. Moravčević, A. Vujošević, S. Vučković, Chemical composition of the essential oil of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. Lamiaceae), HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 465 - 471, 2011

Autori Slavica Jelačić, Damir Beatović, Slaven Prodanović, Slavoljub Tasić, Đorđe Moravčević, Ana Vujošević i Savo Vučković
Godina 2011
DOI 10.2298/HEMIND110227020J
Volumen 65
Broj 4
Strana od 465
Strana do 471

Radovi u časopisima van SCI liste

Elemental Profile, General Phytochemical Composition and Bioaccumulation Abilities of Selected Allium Species Biofortified with Selenium under Open Field Conditions

S. Vuković, Đ. Moravčević, J. Gvozdanović Varga, B. Dojčinović, A. Vujošević, I. Pećinar, S. Kilibarda, A. Kostić, Elemental Profile, General Phytochemical Composition and Bioaccumulation Abilities of Selected Allium Species Biofortified with Selenium under Open Field Conditions, Plants, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1 - 19, Jan, 2023

Autori Sandra Vuković, Đorđe Moravčević, Jelica Gvozdanović Varga, Biljana Dojčinović, Ana Vujošević, Ilinka Pećinar, Sofija Kilibarda i Aleksandar Kostić
Godina 2023
Časopis Plants
Volumen 12
Broj 2
Strana od 1
Strana do 19

A detailed survey of agroecological status of Allium ursinum across the Republic of Serbia: Mineral composition and bioaccumulation potential

S. Gordanić, A. Kostić, Đ. Krstić, S. Vuković, S. Kilibarda, T. Marković, Đ. Moravčević, A detailed survey of agroecological status of Allium ursinum across the Republic of Serbia: Mineral composition and bioaccumulation potential, Heliyon, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 1 - 16, Nov, 2023

Autori Stefan Gordanić, Aleksandar Kostić, Đurđa Krstić, Sandra Vuković, Sofija Kilibarda, Tatjana Marković i Đorđe Moravčević
Godina 2023
Časopis Heliyon
Volumen 9
Broj 11
Strana od 1
Strana do 16

Raman spectroscopy as a useful tool in nutritional determination and distinction of Allium species

S. Vuković, Đ. Moravčević, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, A. Kostić, A. Vujošević, S. Kilibarda, I. Pećinar, Raman spectroscopy as a useful tool in nutritional determination and distinction of Allium species, Biology and life science forum, pp. 1 - 6, 2022

Autori Sandra Vuković, Đorđe Moravčević, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Aleksandar Kostić, Ana Vujošević, Sofija Kilibarda i Ilinka Pećinar
Godina 2022
Časopis Biology and life science forum
Strana od 1
Strana do 6

Effect of processing on vitamin C content, total phenols and antioxidative activity of organically grown red beetroot (Beta ulgaris ssp. rubra)

N. Pavlović, J. Mladenović, V. Stevović, L. Bošković-Rakočević, Đ. Moravčević, D. Poštić, J. Zdravković, Effect of processing on vitamin C content, total phenols and antioxidative activity of organically grown red beetroot (Beta ulgaris ssp. rubra), Food and Feed Research, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 131 - 139, 2021

Autori Nenad Pavlović, Jelena Mladenović, Vladeta Stevović, Ljiljana Bošković-Rakočević, Đorđe Moravčević, Dobrivoje Poštić i Jasmina Zdravković
Godina 2021
Časopis Food and Feed Research
Volumen 48
Broj 2
Strana od 131
Strana do 139

Preferences of Serbian consumers towards different pepper fruits

D. Danojević, S. Glogovac, Đ. Moravčević, S. Medić-Pap, Preferences of Serbian consumers towards different pepper fruits, Food and Feed Research, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 155 - 163, 2021

Autori Dario Danojević, Svetlana Glogovac, Đorđe Moravčević i Slađana Medić-Pap
Godina 2021
Časopis Food and Feed Research
Volumen 48
Broj 2
Strana od 155
Strana do 163

The impact of different thermal processing of tomato to its antioxidant activity, vitamin E, dry matter and sugar content

N. Pavlović, J. Mladenović, R. Pavlović, Đ. Moravčević, J. Zdravković, The impact of different thermal processing of tomato to its antioxidant activity, vitamin E, dry matter and sugar content, Food and Feed Research, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 123 - 132, 2017

Autori Nenad Pavlović, Jelena Mladenović, Radoš Pavlović, Đorđe Moravčević i Jasmina Zdravković
Godina 2017
DOI 10.5937/FFR1702123P
Časopis Food and Feed Research
Volumen 44
Broj 2
Strana od 123
Strana do 132

Preservation of vitamin C, lycopene and carbohydrate content in tomato dried in a tunnel type dryer

J. Zdravković, N. Pavlović, N. Bošković-Vragolović, Đ. Moravčević, M. Šević, Preservation of vitamin C, lycopene and carbohydrate content in tomato dried in a tunnel type dryer, Food and Feed Research, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 133 - 142, 2017

Autori Jasmina Zdravković, Nenad Pavlović, Nevenka Bošković-Vragolović, Đorđe Moravčević i Milan Šević
Godina 2017
DOI 10.5937/FFR1702133Z
Časopis Food and Feed Research
Volumen 44
Broj 2
Strana od 133
Strana do 142

Bioactive components in breeding industrial tomato

N. Pavlović, J. Mladenović, R. Pavlović, Đ. Moravčević, J. Zdravković, Bioactive components in breeding industrial tomato, Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 79 - 86, 2017

Autori Nenad Pavlović, Jelena Mladenović, Radoš Pavlović, Đorđe Moravčević i Jasmina Zdravković
Godina 2017
DOI 10.5937/ratpov54-13676
Časopis Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Volumen 54
Broj 2
Strana od 79
Strana do 86

The effects of different cover crops on grain yield of popcorn (Zea mays L. ssp. everta Sturt)

Ž. Dolijanović, M. Simić, N. Momirović, Đ. Moravčević, B. Janošević, The effects of different cover crops on grain yield of popcorn (Zea mays L. ssp. everta Sturt), Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series, Vol. XLVI 2016, pp. 129 - 133, 2016

Autori Željko Dolijanović, Milena Simić, Nebojša Momirović, Đorđe Moravčević i Biljana Janošević
Godina 2016
Časopis Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series
Volumen XLVI 2016
Strana od 129
Strana do 133

Effects of continuous fertilization on the cucumber seedling quality

Đ. Moravčević, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, Ž. Dolijanović, M. Ćosić, d. Delić, M. Ugrinović, Effects of continuous fertilization on the cucumber seedling quality, Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series, Vol. XLVI 2016, pp. 218 - 222, 2016

Autori Đorđe Moravčević, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Željko Dolijanović, Marija Ćosić, duška Delić i Milan Ugrinović
Godina 2016
Časopis Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series
Volumen XLVI 2016
Strana od 218
Strana do 222

A Review of the Current State of Crop-Vegetable Production in the Šabac Municipality

Đ. Moravčević, A. Simić, V. Zarić, K. Zarubica, P. Srdanović, Z. Miletić, V. Špegar, A Review of the Current State of Crop-Vegetable Production in the Šabac Municipality, Proceedings of XXIX Conference of Agronomists, Veterinarians, Technologists and Agricultural Economists, PKB Agroekonomik, Belgrade, Vol. 22, No. 1-2, pp. 147 - 156, 2016

Autori Đorđe Moravčević, Aleksandar Simić, Vlade Zarić, Katarina Zarubica, Predrag Srdanović, Zoran Miletić i Vladimir Špegar
Godina 2016
Časopis Proceedings of XXIX Conference of Agronomists, Veterinarians, Technologists and Agricultural Economists, PKB Agroekonomik, Belgrade
Volumen 22
Broj 1-2
Strana od 147
Strana do 156

Impact of Irrigation Regime and Application of Kaolin on the Stomatal Conductance and Leaf Water Potential of Pepper and Tomato

M. Ćosić, R. Stričević, N. Đurović, LJ. Prokić, M. Marjanović, Đ. Moravčević, Impact of Irrigation Regime and Application of Kaolin on the Stomatal Conductance and Leaf Water Potential of Pepper and Tomato, Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series, Vol. XLVI 2016, pp. 92 - 100, 2016

Autori Marija Ćosić, Ružica Stričević, Nevenka Đurović, Ljiljana Prokić, Milena Marjanović i Đorđe Moravčević
Godina 2016
Časopis Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series
Volumen XLVI 2016
Strana od 92
Strana do 100

Heredity mode of onion (Allium cepa L.) bulb fresh weight

N. Pavlović, D. Cvikić, J. Zdravković, R. Đorđević, M. Zdravković, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, Đ. Moravčević, Heredity mode of onion (Allium cepa L.) bulb fresh weight, Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 24 - 28, 2015

Autori Nenad Pavlović, Dejan Cvikić, Jasmina Zdravković, Radiša Đorđević, Milan Zdravković, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga i Đorđe Moravčević
Godina 2015
DOI 10.5937/ratpov52-7723 52:1 (2015) 24-28 © 2015 IFVC
Časopis Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo
Volumen 52
Broj 1
Strana od 24
Strana do 28

The Effect of Plant Density on Photosynthesis Productivity and Yield of Spring Garlic

Đ. Moravčević, J. Gvozdanović-Varga, A. Stojanović, D. Beatović, V. Todorović, N. Pavlović, The Effect of Plant Density on Photosynthesis Productivity and Yield of Spring Garlic, Agro – knowledge Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 75 - 84, 2014

Autori Đorđe Moravčević, Jelica Gvozdanović-Varga, Ana Marija Stojanović, Damir Beatović, Vida Todorović i Nenad Pavlović
Godina 2014
DOI 10.7251/AGRSR1401075M
Časopis Agro – knowledge Journal
Volumen 15
Broj 1
Strana od 75
Strana do 84

Promotion of Basil as a Traditional Herb in Serbia

D. Beatović, S. Jelačić, Đ. Moravčević, Promotion of Basil as a Traditional Herb in Serbia, Economics of Agriculture, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 27 - 33, 2011

Autori Damir Beatović, Slavica Jelačić i Đorđe Moravčević
Godina 2011
Časopis Economics of Agriculture
Volumen 58
Broj 1
Strana od 27
Strana do 33

Suitability of Local Peat for Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.) Nursery Production

D. Beatović, S. Jelačić, Đ. Moravčević, V. Zarić, Suitability of Local Peat for Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis L.) Nursery Production, Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research, Vol. 72, No. 258, pp. 77 - 86, 2011

Autori Damir Beatović, Slavica Jelačić, Đorđe Moravčević i Vlade Zarić
Godina 2011
Časopis Journal of Scientific Agricultural Research
Volumen 72
Broj 258
Strana od 77
Strana do 86

Evaluation of basil seed (Ocimum basilicum L.)

J. Kižgeci, S. Jelačić, D. Beatović, J. Lević, Đ. Moravčević, V. Zarić, L. Gojković, Evaluation of basil seed (Ocimum basilicum L.), Acta fytotechica et zootechnica, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 41 - 44, 2011

Autori Jan Kižgeci, Slavica Jelačić, Damir Beatović, J Lević, Đorđe Moravčević, Vlade Zarić i Ljiljana Gojković
Godina 2011
Časopis Acta fytotechica et zootechnica
Volumen 14
Broj 2
Strana od 41
Strana do 44