
professor Nevenka Đurović

full professor
Katedra za melioracije zemljišta
Scientific Area
Promotion Date April 12, 2017



Papers in journals with SCI list

Correlation between Ground Measurements and UAV Sensed Vegetation Indices for Yield Prediction of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods

A. Lipovac, A. Bezdan, Dj. Moravčević, N. Djurović, M. Ćosić, P. Benka, R. Stričević, Correlation between Ground Measurements and UAV Sensed Vegetation Indices for Yield Prediction of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods, Water, Vol. 14, No. 3786, pp. 1 - 23, Nov, 2022

Autori Aleksa Lipovac, Atila Bezdan, Đorđe Moravčević, Nevenka Đurović, Marija Ćosić, Pavel Benka, and Ružica Stričević
Godina 2022
DOI 10.3390/w14223786
Časopis Water
Volumen 14
Broj 3786
Strana od 1
Strana do 23

Correlation between Ground Measurements and UAV Sensed Vegetation Indices for Yield Prediction of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods

A. Lipovac, A. Bezdan, Đ. Moravčević, N. Đurović, M. Ćosić, P. Benka, R. Stričević, Correlation between Ground Measurements and UAV Sensed Vegetation Indices for Yield Prediction of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods, Water, Vol. 14, No. 22, pp. 1 - 23, Oct, 2022

Autori Aleksa Lipovac, Atila Bezdan, Đorđe Moravčević, Nevenka Đurović, Marija Ćosić, Pavel Benka, and Ružica Stričević
Godina 2022
Časopis Water
Volumen 14
Broj 22
Strana od 1
Strana do 23

Impact of climate change on water resource availability in a mountainous catchment: A case study of the Toplica River catchment

DŽ. Idrizović, V. Počuča, M. Vujadinović Mandić, N. Đurović, G. Matović, E. Gregorić, Impact of climate change on water resource availability in a mountainous catchment: A case study of the Toplica River catchment, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, Vol. 587, No. 124992, pp. 1 - 14, Aug, 2020

Autori Dženita Idrizović, Vesna Počuča, Mirjam Vujadinović Mandić, Nevenka Đurović, Gordana Matović, and Eniko Gregorić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124992
Volumen 587
Broj 124992
Strana od 1
Strana do 14

Synergy of experts’ and farmers’ responses in climate-change adaptation planning in Serbia

R. Stričević, Z. Srdjević, A. Lipovac, S. Prodanović, O. Petrović-Obradović, M. Ćosić, N. Đurović, Synergy of experts’ and farmers’ responses in climate-change adaptation planning in Serbia, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, Vol. 116, No. 106481, pp. 1 - 11, 2020

Autori Ružica Stričević, Zorica Srdjević, Aleksa Lipovac, Slaven Prodanović, Olivera Petrović-Obradović, Marija Ćosić, and Nevenka Đurović
Godina 2020
Volumen 116
Broj 106481
Strana od 1
Strana do 11

The Impact of Land Use Changes on Soil Erosion in the River Basin of Miocki Potok, Montenegro

N. Đurović, V. Spalević, G. Barović, D. Vujačić, M. Čurović, M. Behzadfar, B. Dudić, B. Paolo, The Impact of Land Use Changes on Soil Erosion in the River Basin of Miocki Potok, Montenegro, Water, Vol. 12, No. 2973, pp. 1 - 28, Oct, 2020

Autori Nevenka Đurović, Velibor Spalević, Goran Barović, Duško Vujačić, Milić Čurović, Morteza Behzadfar, Branislav Dudić, and Bili Paolo
Godina 2020
DOI 10.3390/w12112973
Časopis Water
Volumen 12
Broj 2973
Strana od 1
Strana do 28

Synergy of experts’ and farmers’ responses in climate-change adaptation planning in Serbia

R. Stričević, Z. Srđević, A. Lipovac, S. Prodanović, O. Petrović-Obradović, M. Ćosić, N. Đurović, Synergy of experts’ and farmers’ responses in climate-change adaptation planning in Serbia, ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, Vol. 116, No. 106481, pp. 1 - 11, Oct, 2020

Autori Ružica Stričević, Zorica Srđević, Aleksa Lipovac, Slaven Prodanović, Olivera Petrović-Obradović, Marija Ćosić, and Nevenka Đurović
Godina 2020
Volumen 116
Broj 106481
Strana od 1
Strana do 11

Effects of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on canopy temperatures of sweet pepper and tomato

M. Ćosić, R. Stričević, N. Đurović, L. Aleksa, I. Bogdan, M. Pavlović, Effects of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on canopy temperatures of sweet pepper and tomato, Scientia Horticulturae, pp. 23 - 31, 2018

Autori Marija Ćosić, Ružica Stričević, Nevenka Đurović, Lipovac Aleksa, Ivan Bogdan, and Miloš Pavlović
Godina 2018
Časopis Scientia Horticulturae
Strana od 23
Strana do 31

Effects of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on canopy temperatures of sweet pepper and tomato

M. Ćosić, R. Stričević, N. Đurović, A. Lipovac, Effects of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on canopy temperatures of sweet pepper and tomato, Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 238, No. 19, pp. 23 - 31, 2018

Autori Marija Ćosić, Ružica Stričević, Nevenka Đurović, and Aleksa Lipovac
Godina 2018
Časopis Scientia Horticulturae
Volumen 238
Broj 19
Strana od 23
Strana do 31

Predicting biomass and yield of sweet pepper grown with and without plastic film mulching under different water supply and weather conditions.

M. Ćosić, R. Stričević, N. Đurović, Đ. Moravčević, M. Pavlović, M. Todorović, Predicting biomass and yield of sweet pepper grown with and without plastic film mulching under different water supply and weather conditions., AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, pp. 91 - 100, 2017

Autori Marija Ćosić, Ružica Stričević, Nevenka Đurović, Đorđe Moravčević, Miloš Pavlović, and Mladen Todorović
Godina 2017
Strana od 91
Strana do 100

Effect of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on yield, quality and water use efficiency of tomato

N. Đurović, M. Ćosić, R. Stričević, S. Savić, M. Domazet, Effect of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on yield, quality and water use efficiency of tomato, Scientia Horticulturae, pp. 271 - 278, 2016

Autori Nevenka Đurović, Marija Ćosić, Ružica Stričević, Slađana Savić, and Milka Domazet
Godina 2016
Časopis Scientia Horticulturae
Strana od 271
Strana do 278

Effect of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on yield, quality and water use efficiency of sweet pepper.

M. Ćosić, N. Đurović, M. Todorović, R. Maletić, B. Zečević, R. Stričević, Effect of irrigation regime and application of kaolin on yield, quality and water use efficiency of sweet pepper., AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, pp. 139 - 147, 2015

Autori Marija Ćosić, Nevenka Đurović, Mladen Todorović, Radojka Maletić, Bogoljub Zečević, and Ružica Stričević
Godina 2015
Strana od 139
Strana do 147

Contamination of Local Water Supply Systems in Suburban Belgrade

S. Petković, E. Gregorić, B. Žarković, B. Gajić, N. Đurović, I. Kljujev, V. Slepčević, S. Blagojević, R. Drašković, Contamination of Local Water Supply Systems in Suburban Belgrade, URBAN WATER JOURNAL, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 79 - 92, 2011

Autori Sava Petković, Eniko Gregorić, Branka Žarković, Boško Gajić, Nevenka Đurović, Igor Kljujev, Vesna Slepčević, Srđan Blagojević, and Radovan Drašković
Godina 2011
DOI 10.1080/1573062X.2010.546862
Volumen 8
Broj 2
Strana od 79
Strana do 92

Composition and stability of soil aggregates in Fluvisols under forest, meadows, and 100 years of conventional tillage

B. Gajić, N. Đurović, G. Dugalić, Composition and stability of soil aggregates in Fluvisols under forest, meadows, and 100 years of conventional tillage, JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PFLANZENERNAHRU, Vol. 173, No. 4, pp. 502 - 509, Jan, 2010

Autori Boško Gajić, Nevenka Đurović, and Goran Dugalić
Godina 2010
DOI 10.1002/jpln.200700368
Volumen 173
Broj 4
Strana od 502
Strana do 509

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

AquaCrop model performance in yield, biomass, and water requirement simulations of common bean grown under different irrigation treatments and sowing periods

R. Stričević, A. Lipovac, N. Đurović, D. Sotonica, M. Ćosić, AquaCrop model performance in yield, biomass, and water requirement simulations of common bean grown under different irrigation treatments and sowing periods, Horticulturae, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1 - 16, Apr, 2023

Autori Ružica Stričević, Aleksa Lipovac, Nevenka Đurović, Dunja Sotonica, and Marija Ćosić
Godina 2023
Časopis Horticulturae
Volumen 9
Broj 4
Strana od 1
Strana do 16

AquaCrop Model Performance in Yield, Biomass, and Water Requirement Simulations of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods

R. Stričević, A. Lipovac, N. Đurović, D. Sotonica, M. Ćosić, AquaCrop Model Performance in Yield, Biomass, and Water Requirement Simulations of Common Bean Grown under Different Irrigation Treatments and Sowing Periods, Horticulturae, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 1 - 13, 2023

Autori Ružica Stričević, Aleksa Lipovac, Nevenka Đurović, Dunja Sotonica, and Marija Ćosić
Godina 2023
Časopis Horticulturae
Volumen 9
Broj 4
Strana od 1
Strana do 13

Productive and non-productive use of water of common bean under full and deficit irrigation

A. Lipovac, R. Stričević, M. Ćosić, N. Đurović, Productive and non-productive use of water of common bean under full and deficit irrigation, Acta Horticulturae, Vol. 1335, pp. 635 - 641, 2022

Autori Aleksa Lipovac, Ružica Stričević, Marija Ćosić, and Nevenka Đurović
Godina 2022
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1335.80
Časopis Acta Horticulturae
Volumen 1335
Strana od 635
Strana do 641

Vulnerability of agriculture to climate change in Serbia-farmers’ assessment of impacts and damages

R. Stričević, A. Lipovac, S. Prodanović, M. Ristovski, O. Petrović-Obradović, N. Đurović, D. Đurović, Vulnerability of agriculture to climate change in Serbia-farmers’ assessment of impacts and damages, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 263 - 281, 2020

Autori Ružica Stričević, Aleksa Lipovac, Slaven Prodanović, Marijana Ristovski, Olivera Petrović-Obradović, Nevenka Đurović, and Dejan Đurović
Godina 2020
DOI doi: 10.2298/JAS2003263S
Časopis Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Volumen 65
Broj 3
Strana od 263
Strana do 281

Vulnerability of agriculture to climate change in serbia - farmers’ assessment of impacts and damages

R. Stričević, A. Lipovac, S. Prodanović, O. Petrović-Obradović, N. Đurović, D. Đurović, Vulnerability of agriculture to climate change in serbia - farmers’ assessment of impacts and damages, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 65, No. 3, pp. 263 - 281, 2020

Autori Ružica Stričević, Aleksa Lipovac, Slaven Prodanović, Olivera Petrović-Obradović, Nevenka Đurović, and Dejan Đurović
Godina 2020
Časopis Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Volumen 65
Broj 3
Strana od 263
Strana do 281

„Vodni otisak” u poljoprivredi i virtuelna trgovina vodom. Da li Srbija izvozi ili uvozi vodu?

R. Stričević, Z. Srdjević, N. Đurović, B. Srđević, „Vodni otisak” u poljoprivredi i virtuelna trgovina vodom. Da li Srbija izvozi ili uvozi vodu?, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 185 - 194, 2018

Autori Ružica Stričević, Zorica Srdjević, Nevenka Đurović, and Bojan Srđević
Godina 2018
DOI doi: 10.2298/JAS1802185S
Časopis Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Volumen 63
Broj 2
Strana od 185
Strana do 194

Impact of Irrigation Regime and Application of Kaolin on the Stomatal Conductance and Leaf Water Potential of Pepper and Tomato

M. Ćosić, R. Stričević, N. Đurović, LJ. Prokić, M. Marjanović, Đ. Moravčević, Impact of Irrigation Regime and Application of Kaolin on the Stomatal Conductance and Leaf Water Potential of Pepper and Tomato, Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series, Vol. XLVI 2016, pp. 92 - 100, 2016

Autori Marija Ćosić, Ružica Stričević, Nevenka Đurović, Ljiljana Prokić, Milena Marjanović, and Đorđe Moravčević
Godina 2016
Časopis Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series
Volumen XLVI 2016
Strana od 92
Strana do 100