
professor Dragica Božić

full professor
Katedra za ekonomiku poljoprivrede, tržište i ruralni razvoj
Termini ispita Ekonomika poljoprivrede, Ekonomika prehrambene industrije Junski rok: 19.06. u 10 h i 26.06.2024. u 10 h; Julski rok: 10.07.2024. u 10 h; Septembarski rok: 04.09.2024. u 10 h i 11.09.2024. u 10 h; Apsolventi: Ekonomika poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije; Ekonomika poljoprivrede i zadrugarstvo Maj: 29.05.2024. u 10 h;
Scientific Area
Promotion Date December 14, 2011



Papers in journals with SCI list

Competition between Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Ambrosia trifida: Is there a threat of a stronger competitor?

A. Savić, M. Oveisi, D. Božić, D. Pavlović, M. Saulić, H. Muller-Scharer, S. Vrbničanin, Competition between Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Ambrosia trifida: Is there a threat of a stronger competitor?, WEED RESEARCH, pp. 1 - 9, Apr, 2021

Autori Aleksandra Savić, Mostafa Oveisi, Dragica Božić, Danijela Pavlović, Markola Saulić, Heinz Muller-Scharer, and Sava Vrbničanin
Godina 2021
Strana od 1
Strana do 9

Papers in journals outside the SCI list

Cooperative principles in practice: Experiences of Serbia

M. Nikolić, I. Božić, D. Božić, Cooperative principles in practice: Experiences of Serbia, Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 97 - 110, 2021

Autori Marija Nikolić, Ivan Božić, and Dragica Božić
Godina 2021
Časopis Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development
Volumen 3
Broj 2
Strana od 97
Strana do 110

Konkurentnost Srbije na globalnom tržištu meda

M. Nikolić, N. Nedić, D. Božić, Konkurentnost Srbije na globalnom tržištu meda, Agroekonomika, Vol. 50, No. 90, pp. 1 - 12, 2021

Autori Marija Nikolić, Nebojša Nedić, and Dragica Božić
Godina 2021
Časopis Agroekonomika
Volumen 50
Broj 90
Strana od 1
Strana do 12

Food security and comparative analysis of situation in Serbia and neighbouring countries

D. Božić, M. Nikolić, Food security and comparative analysis of situation in Serbia and neighbouring countries, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp. 1191 - 1204, 2020

Autori Dragica Božić and Marija Nikolić
Godina 2020
Časopis Ekonomika poljoprivrede
Volumen 67
Broj 4
Strana od 1191
Strana do 1204

Food security and comparative analysis of situation in Serbia and neighbouring countries

D. Božić, M. Nikolić, Food security and comparative analysis of situation in Serbia and neighbouring countries, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp. 1191 - 1204, 2020

Autori Dragica Božić and Marija Nikolić
Godina 2020
DOI 10.5937/ekoPolj2004191B
Časopis Ekonomika poljoprivrede
Volumen 67
Broj 4
Strana od 1191
Strana do 1204

Foreign trade and comparative advantages of agrarian sector of Serbia and neighbouring countries

D. Božić, M. Nikolić, Foreign trade and comparative advantages of agrarian sector of Serbia and neighbouring countries, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, pp. 737 - 753, 2019

Autori Dragica Božić and Marija Nikolić
Godina 2019
Časopis Ekonomika poljoprivrede
Strana od 737
Strana do 753

Foreign trade and comparative advantages of agrarian sector of Serbia and neighbouring countries

D. Božić, M. Nikolić, Foreign trade and comparative advantages of agrarian sector of Serbia and neighbouring countries, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 737 - 753, 2019

Autori Dragica Božić and Marija Nikolić
Godina 2019
DOI 10.5937/ekoPolj1903737B
Časopis Ekonomika poljoprivrede
Volumen 66
Broj 3
Strana od 737
Strana do 753

Merenje prehrambene (ne)sigurnosti i stanje u Srbiji i zemljama u okruženju

D. Božić, R. Papić, Merenje prehrambene (ne)sigurnosti i stanje u Srbiji i zemljama u okruženju, Agroekonomika, Vol. 48, No. 82, pp. 1 - 14, 2019

Autori Dragica Božić and Ružica Papić
Godina 2019
Časopis Agroekonomika
Volumen 48
Broj 82
Strana od 1
Strana do 14

Farm size as a factor of employment and income of members of family farms

P. Munćan, D. Božić, Farm size as a factor of employment and income of members of family farms, Ekonomika poljoprivrede, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 1483 - 1498, 2017

Autori Petar Munćan and Dragica Božić
Godina 2017
Časopis Ekonomika poljoprivrede
Volumen 64
Broj 4
Strana od 1483
Strana do 1498

Značaj poljoprivrede u strukturi zaposlenosti i stepen privredne razvijenosti

D. Božić, M. Nikolić, Značaj poljoprivrede u strukturi zaposlenosti i stepen privredne razvijenosti, Agroekonomika, Vol. 46, No. 75, pp. 11 - 20, 2017

Autori Dragica Božić and Marija Nikolić
Godina 2017
Časopis Agroekonomika
Volumen 46
Broj 75
Strana od 11
Strana do 20

Spoljnotrgovinska razmena Srbije i značaj agrarnog sektora,

D. Božić, M. Nikolić, Spoljnotrgovinska razmena Srbije i značaj agrarnog sektora,, TEME, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 711 - 730, 2017

Autori Dragica Božić and Marija Nikolić
Godina 2017
DOI 10.22190/TEME1703711V
Časopis TEME
Volumen 41
Broj 3
Strana od 711
Strana do 730

Reforma ZAP (2014–2020) i komparacija sa instrumentima agrarne politike Srbije

D. Božić, R. Papić, Reforma ZAP (2014–2020) i komparacija sa instrumentima agrarne politike Srbije, ANALI EKONOMSKOG FAKULTETA U SUBOTICI, Vol. 53, No. 38, pp. 037 - 049, 2017

Autori Dragica Božić and Ružica Papić
Godina 2017
Volumen 53
Broj 38
Strana od 037
Strana do 049

Gene Flow from Herbicide-Resistant Sunflower Hybrids to Weedy Sunflower

D. Božić, D. Pavlović, V. Bregola, A. Di Loreto, S. Bosi, S. Vrbničanin, Gene Flow from Herbicide-Resistant Sunflower Hybrids to Weedy Sunflower, Journal of Plant Disease and Protection, Vol. 122, No. 4, pp. 183 - 188, Sep, 2015

Autori Dragica Božić, Danijela Pavlović, V. Bregola, A. Di Loreto, S. Bosi, and Sava Vrbničanin
Godina 2015
Časopis Journal of Plant Disease and Protection
Volumen 122
Broj 4
Strana od 183
Strana do 188