
Pre-conference event: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions – Staff Exchanges (MSCA-SE) workshop


The workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of the main elements of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, the European Union’s funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers. A general overview of MSCA programme will be given by Gordana Vlahović, NCP for ERC & MSCA. Special attention will be given to the MSCA-Staff Exchanges Action by Sotirios Kiokias, Research programme manager, Chemistry panel leader, EC/REA. Participants will gain insights into best practices in proposal preparation, grant agreement conclusion and project management from Prof. Biljana Basarin, coordinator of the ClearClimate project and Prof. Ljiljana Mihajlović-Lalić, MET-EFFECT project, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Chemistry. This workshop will raise participants' awareness of the MSCA-SE Action and provide them with the necessary knowledge to prepare a winning project proposal.

Workshop location: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Nemanjina 6, Zemun, Belgrade

Date and time: 12th December 2023; 15:00h-17:30h.

Max 100 participants. Pre-registration is recommended. Pre-registration will be opened on December 1st. If interested, please visit Interactive event page where you will find a registration link.

Google map:



  • /uploads/attachment/vest/394/MSC.png

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