
O-ZO-14-HEM - Hemija

Course specification
Course title
Acronym O-ZO-14-HEM
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 6.0 Status
    Condition Oblik uslovljenosti
    The goal For the student to learn: basic concepts, laws and principles, Basic classes of inorganic compounds and organic compounds, their physical and chemical properties and their application in agriculture; logically connects theoretical, experimental and practical knowledge in chemistry; Recognize and explain processes that are based on the principles of general, inorganic and organic chemistry.
    The outcome To know: Chemical laws and concepts; Chemical bonds and consequences of its presence on the properties of compounds; Chemical equilibrium and kinetics; Basic classes of inorganic and organic compounds, their physical and chemical properties, their structure, application as well as their toxicity (especially those used in agriculture).
    Contents of lectures Basic laws of chemistry; Structure of substances and chemical bond; Oxido-reduction redactions; Dispersion systems; Chemical kinetics and equilibrium; Electrolytic dissociation and equilibrium in electrolyte solutions; Thermochemistry; Chemical energy and electrical energy; electrochemistry; Colloid chemistry; Classes of inorganic compounds; Inorganic, organic and basics of biochemistry.
    Contents of exercises Acquaintance with working in the laboratory; classes of inorganic compounds and organic compounds; basic calculations in chemistry; Dissolve; Chemical kinetics and equilibrium; pH value of solutions and buffers; Chemical analysis; Oxido-reduction; Colloids; Distillation.
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    3 2
    Methods of teaching Teaching methods include classical lectures and laboratory exercises.
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures 0 Test paper 30
    Practical lessons 8 Oral examination 0
    Projects 0
    Colloquia 62
    Seminars 0