

Program Proof of Concept (2024-2025)

Design and application of microbial consortium for compostin and treatment of sewage sludge (Micro-compost)

A Decision-Making System for Achieving Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis (DARMAR)

Program PROMIS (2023-2025)

Peloids in Serbia: geochemical characterization, quality assessment and ecosystem services of peloid-rich areas (PELAS)

Activated Charcoal as a Carrier of Probiotics: New Approach for Pathogen Elimination in Wounds (ProHealinAC)

Program PRISMA (2023-2026)

Development of erosion prediction tool for sustainable soil management (Predict-Er)

From Waste to Food and Soil Enrichment - minimizing waste by applying circular economy in fruits/vegetables processing industry (WasteBridge)

Mathematical Methods in Image Processing under Uncertainty (MaMIPU)

Forward-Looking Framework for Accelerating Households' Green Energy Transition (FF GreEN)

Innovative solutions in phage-mediated biocontrol of fire blight (Innova Phage)

Employing modern aeroponic technology and stress-protective nanoparticles for improved seed potato production under elevated temperature (AerPotato)

Tracking antimicrobial resistance in diverse ecological niches - one health perspecitve (TRACE)

Advanced Techniques of Mathematical Aggregation and Approximative Equations Solving in Digital Operational Research (AT MATADOR)

Green Program of Cooperation between Science and Industry

Microbial recipe for edible mushroom production (Micro-Mush)

Program IDEAS (2022-2024)

Novel extracts and bioactive compounds from under-utilized resources for high-value applications (Bio-Utilize)

Rubbery Taproot Disease of Sugar Beet: Etiology, Epidemiology and Control (SUGARBETY)

Genetic potential of Serbian autochthonous cherry genotypes for temperature-adaptable reproductive behaviour and nutraceutical values (Cherry SeRB)

Novel Raman chemometrics-based approach in food quality assessment: carotenoids as model nutrients for application to functional products (R-SPECT)

MULTIfunctional leaf PROtein and asseMbled nanocarrIer Structures delivered by enzyme technology (MultiPromis)

Functional products based on goat's milk proteins and bioactive compounds extracted from grape pomace and edible mushrooms (FUNPRO)

Composite clays as advanced materials in animal nutrition and biomedicine (AniNutBiomedCLAYs)

Mitigation of methane production from dairy cattle farm by nutritive modulation of cow's metabolism (MitiMetCattle)

The Serbian Science and Diaspora Collaboration Program (2021-2023)

Functional vegetational diversification in the field – a new way of aphid control (FUNDIVA)

Special Research Program on COVID-19 (2020-2022)

Development of the assays for detection of SARS Cov-2 virus capsid proteins in biological fluids of COVID19 patients (CAPSIDO)

Program PROMIS (2020-2022)

Integrated Agrometeorological Prediction System (IAPS)